Chapter 8

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When Alex drove back to Tobin's house, she saw Mrs. Heath crying. She knew that something bad had happened. She reluctantly made her way to Mrs. Heath and asked if everything was okay.

"Alex," Mrs. Heath took a deep breath, "Tobin was in a car accident."

Once Alex heard that Tobin was in a car accident, she fell to the ground, crying. Alex's world was crashing down on her and she didn't know what to do. "This is all my fault, this is all my fault," she repeatedly thought to herself. "She's alive, right?"

"Yes, she is alive, but she's in bad condition. I know which hospital she's at, do you mind if you drive there?"

Alex nodded while standing up. She was relieved to hear that Tobin was alive, but she was worried that Tobin was badly hurt. She blamed herself for letting this happen to Tobin. She didn't think she would ever forgive herself. If she had just believed Tobin and didn't say those harsh words to her, she could have saved her. But then she also thought, if Tobin had just told her the truth, this would never had happened.

Alex texted Lauren and Amy what had happened and which hospital Tobin was located in. She knew that the both of them were going to be furious with her.

Alex and Mrs. Heath arrived at the hospital and rushed to the front desk to see which room Tobin was in. The nurse tried to explain Tobin's condition, but Alex and Mrs. Heath ignored her and ran to Tobin's room. Once they arrived, Alex was the first to open the door. She saw Tobin and a girl giggling, but stopped when they both saw her. Alex was confused to why there was a random girl here, but she ignored her to hug Tobin. Mrs. Heath came walking in with Christie who was explaining the condition of Tobin.

"Alex, wait-" Mrs. Heath said, but she already saw Alex hugging a confused Tobin.

"You're okay, I am so sorry, this was all my fault. I love you and-"

"Who are you?" Tobin asked while giving Alex a confused look.

Alex pulled away and her eyes widened. "You know who I am, don't play games."

"I'm sorry, but I really don't know who you are."

Alex's eyes started to fill with tears. "Tobin, it's me. Alex, Alex Morgan. Your girlfriend." Just as Alex thought things could not get any worse, it did.

Christen was upset that Tobin had a girlfriend, but she knew she didn't have a chance because she had just met her. Before things got out of hand, Christen volunteered to step out of the room, "I'll be outside, don't want to be a bother," before she left the room, she introduced herself, "I'm Christen by the way. I'm the one who found Tobin so that's why I'm here."

Alex ignored Christen while Mrs. Heath embraced her and told her thank you.

Tobin still held a confused face while staring at Alex. Alex was staring at her back while tears strolled down her cheeks.

"Dammit Tobin, say something!" Alex yelled with frustration.

Tobin jumped and so did everyone in the room. Tobin kept staring at Alex's face and tried to remember who she was, but she was unable to. "I'm sorry, I – I really don't remember anything."

Alex's heart was immediately broken. Not only did she lose the love of her life, she lost her best friend completely. She didn't know what to do so she ran out of the room crying. She ran straight for her car and stayed there until Mrs. Heath came back. So many emotions were going through Alex and she didn't know how to control it. "This is all my fault!" Alex screamed while pounding the chair. That's when Alex realized that she could not do anything about it. She could not force Tobin to remember her and she can't force someone to love them back. And that is when Alex's world fell apart. After five minutes of crying, Alex cried herself to sleep.

Tobin was hurt too. She was disappointed in herself for not remembering Alex. She could see in Alex's eyes how hurt she was, but there was nothing more that Tobin could do. Seeing Alex run out made Tobin cry too because she wished she could just remember everything.

"Why can't I just remember anything?"

Mrs. Heath took a seat next to Tobin's bed and held her hand. "It will come back to you soon. Don't worry, time heals everything," Mrs. Heath sighed. "Do you know who I am?"

Tobin looked at Mrs. Heath and shook her head. "No, I'm sorry."

Mrs. Heath eyes started to water, but she held it in. She took her phone out and scrolled through her photo album, looking for pictures of Tobin as a little girl. She gave the phone to Tobin and told her to scroll through the album.

Tobin was scrolling through the photo album and came across one of her and what seems to be her mother. The picture was of Tobin kicking a soccer ball while her mom was cheering. She looked at the picture and then at Mrs. Heath. "You're my mom?" Tobin asked with tears strolling down her cheeks.

Mrs. Heath's face lit up. "Yes, Tobs, I am your mother."

And that's when Tobin Heath remembered who she was. She was Tobin Powell Heath, nicknamed Tobs. She was 17 years old and played soccer. Her favorite color was blue and her favorite food was mom's cooking and fruits.

Tobin stopped crying and hugged her mom. "My name is Tobin Powell Heath and I'm 17 years old. You call me Tobs and I love your cooking and fruits. My favorite color is blue and yours is green. I have two older sisters and one younger brother," Tobin pulled away with a big smile on her face. "I remember who I am!"

Mrs. Heath started to cry tears of joy. "Oh Tobs, I'm so happy! Do you remember Alex now?"

Tobin's face went from a smile to a frown. She realized she remembered who she was, but not anyone else. She shook her head and Mrs. Heath pulled her in for another hug.

"Did I love her?" Tobin asked.

"You loved her more than you loved yourself. You were willing to give up your dreams for her." 

Hey guys, how's the story so far? I hope you guys are liking it because there are many things happening in the future!! Thanks for reading! (: 

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