Chapter 10

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Mrs. Heath said goodbye to Lauren and Amy while walking to Alex's car. She opened the door and saw Alex sleeping, her eyes swollen from crying.

Mrs. Heath sighed and lightly tapped Alex, "Alex, honey, wake up." Alex felt Mrs. Heath tapping her and slowly opened her eyes. "Do you want me to drive?"

"No, it's fine, I can drive," Alex pulled her chair up and started the engine. "How's Tobin?" It hurt her just asking about Tobin, who didn't even know who Alex was anymore.

Mrs. Heath sighed, "She's okay. Lauren and Amy were here and we stayed for a bit."

"Did she remember you?" Mrs. Heath nodded. "Did she remember Lauren and Amy?" Mrs. Heath reluctantly nodded.

Alex grew upset, but ignored it and just drove. Mrs. Heath could feel the tension and was uncomfortable in this silence.

"You should come back tomorrow, with a picture of you two together. That's how she remembered us, looking at pictures."

Alex sighed, but agreed to it. She didn't want to go back to see Tobin, but it was worth a try. "What if she doesn't remember me?"

"Then you try and make her remember you. Start all over, befriend her, do everything you can to keep her close. She'll remember you eventually."

Alex didn't want to start all over with Tobin. She wanted Tobin to remember all the memories they shared together from playing soccer, going on dates, their first kiss, everything. But, she also didn't want Tobin remembering their argument because she feared Tobin would blame Alex for her accident.

Alex dropped Mrs. Heath off at her house and said goodbye. Instead of driving home, Alex decided to drive to the beach where everything started. She walked along the shore and found a rock to sit on. She took out her phone to look through her photo album with her and Tobin. She came across many pictures, but one was very special to her. It was the both of them at their favorite beach, holding hands. The picture was taken the day Tobin asked Alex to be her girlfriend.

After a brief period of time, Alex returned home and locked herself in her room to cry. Emotions flooded into her and she couldn't control it. She felt regret, sadness, and frustration.

Alex's mom knocked on her door, "Alex, may I come in?"

There was no response so Mrs. Morgan took the spare key from her pocket and opened the door. She was hurt when she saw her daughter crying and falling apart.

Mrs. Morgan approached Alex and embraced her. She let Alex cry for a few more seconds. "Alex, honey, I'm so sorry. This is all my fault. I should've stopped her when I saw her running out the door and –" Alex cut her off.

"No, mom, this was my fault. I should've believed her, I should not have gotten mad at her, I – I just wish she told me the goddamn truth!" Alex yelled while getting up and throwing her pillows onto the ground.

Mrs. Morgan didn't know about Tobin's commitment to UNC so she was confused. She tried to comfort Alex, but Alex would push her away. "Alex, you need to calm down."

"How can I calm down when my girlfriend doesn't even know who I am? This would not have happened if she just told me she didn't want to go to Berkeley. And that her dream school was UNC. She could've saved the both of us, mom!" At this point on, Alex couldn't hold her anger in any longer. She knew that if Tobin had just told her the truth, none of this would have happened.

Alex was slowly losing herself and her mom could see it. Mrs. Morgan let Alex calm down before talking with her again. Alex screamed into her pillow and she continued to blame herself and Tobin.

"Okay, everything seems to be looking good, Tobin. Heart beat is good, blood pressure, everything," said Christie.

"Awesome, when can I go home?" Tobin asked.

"Well, not until a while. We still have to make sure your cuts and bruises are healed and keep an eye on that broken ankle of yours."

Tobin didn't realize that her ankle was broken until now. She sighed, "Alright, thanks nurse."

Christie smiled and left the room. Christen had fallen asleep, resting her head on Tobin's bed. Tobin looked to see what time it was and saw it was almost dinner time. She lightly tapped Christen's head to wake her up.

"Hey sleepy head, it's almost dinner time. You should go home."

Christen woke up and her eyes took a while to adjust. She looked at Tobin who was laughing at her. "What's so funny?"

"You look like a mess right now," Tobin replied.

Christen glared at Tobin, "Thanks, because that's what every girl wants to hear after they wake up," she said sarcastically.

Tobin continued to laugh, "Sorry, it's the truth though."

Christen crossed her arms at Tobin, "Well sometimes the truth hurts people."

Something about that statement made Tobin feel uneasy. She didn't know why she was feeling this way. She knew she knew something, but it was not coming to her mind. Tobin's smile slowly faded and Christen caught it.

"Hey, you okay?" she asked.

"Um, yeah. Thought I could remember something, but nah," Tobin responded.

"Alright, do you want me to stay longer? I can stay."

Tobin smiled, "Nah, you should go home and get out of this sad place."

Christen giggled, "Okay." She grabbed her stuff and started walking towards the door, "Bye, Tobin."

"Wait!" Tobin yelled right before Christen exited the door. Christen turned to see Tobin fiddling with her hands. "Thank you for saving me by the way, I didn't get to really say thank you yet. But anyways, um, will I be seeing you tomorrow?" Tobin asked while scratching the back of her head. She was nervous asking that question and tried to hide it.

Christen smiled and was happy to know that Tobin wanted to see her again. "You should be thanking the doctors, not me. But I'm glad to see you alive," Christen walked over to Tobin's side and kissed her cheek, "And yes, I'll be here tomorrow."

Christen walked out and hit herself on the head. "You stupid head! Why would you kiss her cheek? She probably thinks you're a freak now!" She walked to her car and drove home, thinking about Tobin. She hoped Tobin would forget about the kiss on the cheek or she just took it as a friendly gesture. All that was on Christen's mind was Tobin and that's when she finally admitted to herself that she was slowly falling for her.

Tobin's eyes were wide and she didn't pay attention to Christen leaving. Her face grew red and her heart was beating fast. She didn't expect that to happen, but she was happy it did. To be honest, Tobin liked that little kiss on the cheek and wished for another one. The nurse came in with Tobin's dinner, but Tobin was distracted by her own thoughts of Christen. She wished Christen was still here and she wished it was tomorrow already. She just wanted Christen. 

Hey guys! So, this chapter was longer than expected, but I hope you guys like it! I have a question, is there anything you want happening in this story? Tell me your ideas and maybe I'll use it if I think it will fit in with my story! All ideas are really beneficial so don't be shy! Thanks for reading! (: 

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