Chapter 11

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Mrs. Morgan let Alex take a break from school so she could get herself together. The whole soccer team found out what happened and finally knew the truth about Tobin's commitment to UNC. Lauren and Amy were upset with Alex, but knew that she needed comforting since she was hurting the most. Kelley and Syd were upset with Tobin for not telling Alex the truth, but they also hoped Tobin was okay. Everyone else just prayed that Tobin would regain her memory and Alex will be herself again.

On her way to see Tobin, Alex brought some stuff that she thought would help Tobin remember some things. She brought her roses, milk chocolate truffles, her favorite snapback, and her favorite movie. If she can't get Tobin to remember her, Alex could help Tobin remember herself.

She arrived at the hospital and walked to Tobin's room. She took a peek to see if anyone was in there and thankfully, no one was. She took a deep breath before walking in. When she entered the room, Tobin was sleeping so she took a seat next to her bed and observed her. She was still the same Tobin, except with a few cuts above her eyebrow and cheek, bruises on her temple and arms, and a broken ankle. But Alex looked through her flaws and saw the same, beautiful Tobin she first met during freshman year.

To past time, Alex looked through her photo album, choosing pictures to show Tobin. "It's either she remembers me or not." She thought to herself. Alex knew that even if Tobin did remember Alex, things would be difficult because of what happened. She didn't know if Tobin would forgive her or not. If Tobin does not remember her, Alex would be upset, but she was willing to start over as Mrs. Heath said. Whatever happens, she was going to make Tobin love her again.

Alex was too busy on her phone that she didn't realize Tobin had woken up. Tobin woke up to see Alex and was surprised to see her. She still did not remember her and grew scared because she didn't want Alex yelling at her again.

"Um, hi Alex," Tobin said nervously.

Alex jumped and immediately put her phone down, "Hi Tobin."

Tobin smiled in relief because Alex's voice was calmer. "Um just a heads up I -"

Alex cut Tobin off, "Don't remember me, it's okay. I'm really sorry for yelling at you yesterday, I didn't know that you wouldn't remember me."

Tobin sighed, "I'm really trying to, Alex, I really am."

Alex grabbed Tobin's hand, "I don't want to force you to remember me because there are many other things you must remember first." Tobin tilt her head in confusion. "I brought some of your favorite stuff." Alex placed the roses and truffles onto the desk next to Tobin. "You like roses and your favorite food is milk chocolate truffles."

Tobin laughed, "Really? I'm such an unhealthy person."

Alex laughed too and grabbed Tobin's favorite snapback. She placed it onto Tobin's head and Tobin tried looking up to see what was on her head.

Alex started to laugh really hard, she had to hold onto something or else she would fall. "You look really stupid, Tobs."

Tobin looked at Alex with a smile, "You call me Tobs?"

Alex's laugh started to calm down, "Yes I do. I also call you Toby, but you get mad at me because you hate that nickname."

"I can see why," Tobin chuckled while taking off the snapback. "I'm guessing I wear snapbacks and this is my favorite one?"
"Correct," Alex responded. "Also, 'Searching for Bobby Fischer' is your favorite movie." Alex gave Tobin the DVD, "Feel free to watch it when you get the chance."

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