Chapter 19

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"A-Aphmau are you... Serious?" Asked Zoey in shock. Aphmau nodded, grabbed Zoey's hand and touched it to her stomach.
"Wow." Zoey said.
Aphmau didn't say anything she has only said that one thing.
"Aphmau I am s-so sorry." Zoey said. Aphmau just closed her eyes.
"I'm gonna go get you some food..." Zoey said.
Zoey got up and left. Aphmau rubbed her stomach... then looked up to the ceiling.
"I miss you so much, Laurance." Whispered Aphmau laying back down she kept looking at Laurance's Scarf then looked at his sword that was sitting on the wall. A few minutes later Zoey came back with some food for Aphmau. Aphmau didn't even look at the food she just had been sitting on the sleeping bags. A few hours later Zoey came back in and saw that Aphmau didn't even touch her food.
"Aph... please you need to eat food for your sake and your babys." Zoey said.
Aphmau looked down and closed her eyes trying to stop the tears. But it didn't work.
Zoey just looked down , hugged Aphmau and left.
Aphmau picked up Lilith and hummed to her with tears running down her face. Aphmau and Lilith fell asleep but Aphmau only slept for an hour.

Aphmau started talking to Lilith a few days later. Katelyn came to vist Aphmau.
"A-Aphmau... umm... Zoey... told me... that you.... are.... well... you know..." Katelyn said.
Aphmau didn't look very well, she was wearing a black nightgown, she had bags under her eyes, and her hair was a mess.
"You look Beautiful..." Katelyn said.
Aphmau looked down with tears running down her face.
"I-I... am really sorry." Katelyn said.
"Do you want anything...?" Asked Katelyn.
Aphmau didn't say anything she just shook her head no.
"A-Aphmau I know how you feel... um... I still don't talk about my feelings about what happened with Jeffrey..." Katelyn said. Aphmau just kept looking at Laurance's Scarf.
"I-I have to go... but if you need anything tell me..." Katelyn said.
Aphmau nodded.

It's been 2 weeks since Laurance had died. Aphmau had been talking a little more. Zoey came to vist Aphmau.
"Hi Aphmau, other then the bags under your eyes you look beautiful." Zoey said,"I know this may sound selfish but I came to see you... and Lilith."
"O-okay..." Aphmau said.
"Do you want me to watch her and you go out to get fresh air?" Asked Zoey.
"Y-Yeah I'm gonna go talk to G-Garroth..." Aphmau said.
"Alright." Zoey said.
Aphmau got up put on the purple and white dress she has been wearing.
Then she left. She went to the Explosion at the Irene Dimension were Garroth Asked to meet her.
"Hello Aphmau..." Garroth said.
"Hi, Garroth." Aphmau said.
For a couple of minutes they were talking but then Ivy came with another person.
"Oh so Garroth is back." Ivy said.
"Aphmau, who are these people?" Asked Garroth.
"The girl is Ivy and the other person I have no idea. But I can tell he's a werewolf." Aphmau said.
"What do you want Ivy!?" Exlamed Aphmau.
"Well, I think you know what we want." Ivy said," We want you."
"If you want Aphmau you have to get through me!" Exlamed Garroth.
Then the werewolf attacked Garroth. That's when Aphmau went into her Irene form.
"Oh! This is to good!" Exlamed Ivy.
"What!?" Yelled Aphmau holding her sword to Ivy's sword.
"It's to good that the "decendint of Irene" is pregnant." Ivy said laughing.
Aphmau looked down. "That will never stop me from fighting you!" Exlamed Aphmau.
"Stand down. We will get them another day." Ivy said to the werewolf.
The werewolf stopped fighting Garroth and got up.
They left and Garroth got up and walked over to Aphmau.
"P-pregnant?" Asked Garroth.
"...yes..." Aphmau said.
Garroth looked at Aphmau shocked.
"Who...?" Asked Garroth.
"...Laurance..." Aphmau said.
"Y-you were with L-Laurance...?" Asked Garroth.
Aphmau nodded.
"Umm... A-Aphmau I'm gonna need some time to think we will talk later okay..." Garroth said.
"O-Okay..." Aphmau said walking away.

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