Chapter 38

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Laurance got up and helped Aphmau up. They walked to Katelyn's house.
Aphmau knocked on the door.
"Aphmau?" Asked Katelyn.
"Why are you guys here?" Asked Katelyn.
"You just came to see how your day was and to see what you did." Aphmau said.
"Hmm like what?" Asked Katelyn.
"Like did you go hunting, train with Dimitri,... let me think.... maybe Travis accidentally touched you butt and you kissed him." Aphmau said.
Katelyn's eyes widened.
"I-I have no idea what you are talking about!" Exlamed Katelyn.
"Uh huh~" Exlamed Aphmau and Laurance.
"So spill it! Why did you kiss him did you finally realize how cute he is?" Asked Aphmau. Laurance looked at her.
"(Babe, I'm not being serious I'm just making a point.)" Whispered Aphmau. Laurance nodded and winked at her.
"I don't know!" Exlamed Katelyn.
"He's so Inmiture! And a flirt! But so adorable with his word play and cute..." Katelyn said. Then Katelyn reliezed what she said and covered her
Aphmau widened her eyes and stared at her in shock.
"Don't tell anyone!" Exlamed Katelyn.
"Oh poor Katelyn, everyone knows." Laurance said.
"WHAT?!" Exlamed Katelyn.
"Yup everyone saw you kiss him." Aphmau said.
They talked to Katelyn for a couple more minutes and left.
"Oh my Irene!" Exlamed Aphmau.
"What?" Asked Laurance. Aphmau sat down.
"I can't believe this! Katelyn likes Travis!!" Exlamed Aphmau. Laurance laughed at her.
"Your super cute when you fangirl." Laurance said.
Aphmau stuck her tongue out at Laurance.
"Oh C'om you know you love me.~" Laurance said.
Aphmau scrunched up her nose.
"C'om beautiful~~" Laurance said. Aphmau put up legs up to her stomach as far as she could.
"Baby~" Laurance said. He sat down next to Aphmau. He wrapped his arms around her.
"Ugh! Your lucky you so hot." Aphmau said.
Laurance laughed and kissed Aphmau.

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