Chapter 23

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Vlayd, Garroth, Laurance, and Aphmau were on the boat.
"Vlayd, are we almost there?" Asked Aphmau.
"Yes, we have a little while till we get there " Vlayd said.
"Alright thank you, Vlayd." Aphmau said.
"No problem Aphmau." Vlayd said.
Garroth sat down next to Aphmau.
"So... Are you adjusting to being back?" Asked Aphmau.
"Oh. Yeah I have. It was kinda hard at first." Garrothsaid.
"That's understandable." Aphmau said.
Garroth nodded then got up to talk to Vlayd. Then Laurance came over and sat next to Aphmau.
"Hey, Babe." Laurance said wrapping his arm around Aphmau.
"Heyy." Aphmau said.
Laurance rubbed Aphmau's stomach.
"How's my little baby doing?" Baby talked Laurance.
Aphmau giggled at him. "Well, I think the baby is doing fine. The baby hasn't kicked yet.. but I know from Kawaii~Chan that's normal for right now." Aphmau said.
"So you talked to Kawaii~Chan about the pregnancy?" Asked Laurance.
"Yeah. It has been 6 years since she has been pregnant.. but she gave me some good tips." Aphmau said.
Laurance laughed and kissed Aphmau. Aphmau kissed Laurance back. Garroth looked at them.
"Grrr.." growled Garroth.
"Sorry big brother.." Vlayd said.
"He knew I love Aphmau." Garroth said.
"I know how your feeling... before I become a Shadow knight I was in love but she got taken from me." Vlayd said.
"R-Really? Who was it?" Asked Garroth.
"Oh... well her name was Amber..." Vlayd said.
"That's upsetting.. do you know where she is?" Asked Garroth.
"Oh... well, no she has always wanted to be a... well, thief... but she has always been to sweet and would get turned down. I really hope she made it to there." Vlayd said.
"Hm... I'm sorry baby brother." Garroth said. Aphmau heard what they were talking about she got up.
"V-Vlayd... I know Amber." Aphmau said.
"Really you did?" Asked Vlayd.
"Yes, she became a theif." Aphmau said,"But she is still really sweet."
Vlayd smiled,"Thanks Aphmau."
"No problem." Aphmau said smiling.
Aphmau sat back down next to Laurance again. Laurance pretended to yawn and put his arm around Aphmau.

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