The Nether

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Aphmau was walking in front of Vlayd and Garroth.
"So... Aphmau how long were you with Laurance?" Asked Garroth.
"We have been together for umm... 4 months.
I can't believe I was being forced to marry 4 months ago. " Aphmau said.
"Wait forced to be married?" Asked Garroth.
"Uh huh. But Laurance saved me. Even though he killed. But that doesn't matter." Aphmau said.
"You two were da--" Garroth started to say.
"Oh! There's the camp!" Exlamed Aphmau running to the camp.
Garroth looked down.
"I can't believe she's pregnant... with Laurance's baby..." Garroth said under his breath.
"You love her don't you?" Asked Vlayd.
"Yes.." Garroth said.
Then Aphmau came walking back.
"You guys coming?" Asked Aphmau.
"Yeah... we're coming." Vlayd said.
They walked to the Nether Portal.
"You ready to open it?" Asked Vlayd.
"M-me?" Asked Aphmau.
"Yes. Out of the all of us you are the only one powerful enough to open up the portal." Vlayd said.
Aphmau nodded and turned into her Irene form. And opened the portal.
She stepped into the portal.
"I'm coming Laurance." Aphmau said touching her hand to her stomach.
Garroth and Vlayd walked in after Aphmau.
After they all got out of the portal Aphmau pulled out her Irene sword, Garroth pulled out his Diamond sword, and Vlayd pulled out his Shadow Knight Sword.

After reading walking around for a while with out any like of finding Laurance. But they found Sasha.
"Hello, Aphmau." Sasha said.
"How's Laurance? Oh wait he's here." Sasha said smirking.
"Tell me where he is." Aphmau said.
"Hm... I guess I could... but... I don't really want to." Sasha said smirking.
Then Aphmau pushed her up to a wall and held her sword to Sasha's neck.
"Tell. Me. Where. Laurance. Is." Aphmau said.
"What's in it for me?" Asked
"If you don't tell me where he is I will cut you into PIECES!" Exlamed Aphmau.
"Aphmau calm down she is just making you upset on purpose." Garroth said.
"Haha Garroth is right it's not good for the baby sweetie." Sasha said.
"Just tell me where my Boyfriend is!" Yelled Aphmau.
"Okay okay. Let me go and I'll tell you." Sasha said.
Aphmau hesitated but then let go of Sasha. Then Sasha got up, looked at Aphmau then she ran. Aphmau threw her sword, it went in front of Sasha and tripped her. Then Aphmau walked over to Sasha.
"I won't hurt you unless you tell me where he is." Aphmau said calmly.
"Fine. I'll tell you." Sasha said.
"Laurance is up the stairs in a locked room." Sasha said.
"Thank you. But for now I'm gonna have to do this." Aphmau said.
She knocked out Sasha a tied her up.
"Aphmau why did you do that?" Asked Garroth.
"I can answer that. Sasha snuck out of our prison some how." Vlayd said.
"That doesn't matter right now I just wanna find Laurance." Aphmau said getting up.
"Your right." Garroth and Vlayd said.
They all walked up the stairs. Then they saw Laurance locked behind bars in a room.
"Laurance!" Exlamed Aphmau.
But Laurance was passed out.
Aphmau grabbed her pickaxe and broke the bars. She ran over to Laurance.
"Oh my Irene! Laurance!" Exlamed Aphmau she started crying. She rubbed her hands through Laurance's light brown hair. She hugged him and Kissed his cheek.
A few minutes later Aphmau heard.
"A-Aphmau?" Laurance Asked weakly.
"L-Laurance! Oh my Irene I missed you so so much!" Exlamed Aphmau.
"I-I've missed you too." Laurance said kissing Aphmau.
Aphmau started crying again and Laurance held her in his arms.
A few minutes later they left the Nether.

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