chapter 30

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"We are almost at O'khasis." Riley said.
"Alright!" Exlamed Aphmau. Then Aphmau put her hand on her stomach and groaned.
"Aph are you okay?" Asked Laurance.
"The baby just kicked for the first time and it hurt." Aphmau said
"Oh yeah that must hurt really badly." Riley said.
"It's does like really badly." Aphmau said.
A few minutes later they reached O'khasis. Laurance was about to get off the boat when Riley grabbed his shirt and pulled him back.
"Why did you pull me back?" Asked Laurance.
"We have to sneak in.." Riley said.
"Ever since Zane found out about you guys you have been wanted. That was 15 years ago that law was made but they are still following it." Riley said upset.
"How old are you?" Asked Aphmau.
"I'm 16." Riley said.
"Why are you sneaking us into O'khasis?" Asked Laurance.
"I hate being a gaurd for O'khasis." Riley said.
Aphmau gave her a look that said tell us more.
"I have always wanted to be a gaurd. I was training since I was like 5." Riley said," I wanted to learn to fight. I wanted to be able to protect those I love. But I didn't know how then. That's why I became a shadow knight." Riley said. Then she realized what she said and covered her mouth.
"What are you talking about?" Asked Aphmau.
"When I was 10, my family got attacked by Shadow Knights and killed my Family. But they spared me. They told me I have great power. They told me they needed me to be a Shadow knight." Riley said sitting down," They said that needed me to find other Shadow Knight. A Shadow Knight that disappeared a year after I was born. I didn't want to. I couldn't resist through. I'm trying to control it but a woman named, Sasha told me that all Shadow Knights all come back to the Nether. They said the Nether will start calling to us."
Laurance sat down next to Riley.
"I-I know what that's like..." Laurance said. Riley looked at him confused.
"I'm the Shadow Knight you were talking about." Laurance said.
"Y-you are?" Asked Riley.
"Yes." Laurance said. Aphmau sat down next to Laurance and Riley.
Riley started tearing up. Aphmau saw some tears streaming down her face.
"Aw Riley it's gonna be okay." Aphmau said. Aphmau hugged Riley.
"Well, we better get going to see Zianna." Riley said.

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