Chapter 3- Play Fighting

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I woke up to sunlight beams creeping through the curtains, and a pair of muscular arms were wrapped around my waist. Niall's always been so protective over me, I think that's a good quality to have if you're going to be a husband, maybe even a father. I turned to face him, and his bright ocean blue orbs were fixed on my gray-blue pools.

"Morning." He growled.

I pulled a smile, "Good morning."

He kissed my nose quickly and then sat up. I stuck my hand out for him to pull, he engulfed my small hands into his larger masculine ones. I sat up fairly quickly and then climbed out of bed. I walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower, I jumped in and let the warm water run down my body. It was serene, and relaxing.

My peaceful moment was ruined by loud knocking at the door, "What?!"

"I need to wee!!" Niall yelled.

I groaned, "Can't you wait?!"


I turned off the water and wrapped my bare body with a towel. I unlocked the door and stepped out, Niall almost trampled me when he ran in. Must've really had to wee. I walked over to my closet and picked out an outfit, a white blouse, a green and pink floral skirt, and beige flats.

Niall stepped out of the restroom, "You ruined my perfectly good shower, Niall!" I playfully nagged.

He smiled, "Oh did I?" -I nodded- "What're you gonna do about it?"

I walked over to him and playfully pushed him.

"That all?" He laughed.

I tried to push him onto the bed but he slid out of the way and I ended up falling on the bed. He pinned my wrists and cocked his right eyebrow. I attempted to wiggle out of his grip, but to no avail. He started to tickle my stomach and bursts of uncontrollable laughter escaped my lips.

"S-stopp" I gulped in air, he kept tickling me. And I'm extremely ticklish, he chuckled and then kissed my lips. I smiled and kissed him back, I finally sat up and leaned in towards him. Our lips collided once more and I roughly tugged at his bottom lip, and when I pulled away he groaned.

"You're such a tease." He groaned.

I giggled, "I know." I quickly stood up and pranced over to the bathroom.

I curled my hair, and then applied mascara and eyeliner to my eyes. I put some nude lipstick on and then applied a light pink blush to my cheekbones. Feeling satisfied, I stepped out of the restroom and walked downstairs to the kitchen. I made myself and Niall a bowl of cereal, and a glass of orange juice. I quickly ate and took a couple sips of juice. I had to leave soon, I had a follow up wedding dress appointment.


Extremely sorry I have not updated! I just started school. And I had my first football game yesterday! By the way I'm in color guard so we preformed at halftime. And I've had practice every single day -.-

I'll update when I have time(:

Vote and comment! Dont be silent readers!

Byee loves c:


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