Chapter 27- Spoon

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Today marks my last day of being a fiancé, tomorrow I'll be getting married to the man of my dreams. It's kind of incredible if you really think about it, all of this started with literally just a tweet. How insane is that?

But, today is also kind of boring without Niall, we aren't aloud to see each other until the wedding tomorrow. (Work with me here people.) So I'm basically stuck in our room all day, with the wedding dress. Different stylists are running in and out of the room, doing this and that to me. Right now, a woman is working on my nails.

I've decided on a simple acrylic French-tip. I don't need anything too flashy, I mean my dress is flashy enough as it is. But, it's beautiful, I absolutely love it. I also decided on a French-tip for my toes as well. This is keeping me busy while I wait for my mum to arrive with my heels for tomorrow.

I pick up my phone and check the time, it's 5:35. I sigh before dialling in my mothers number, hit the call button, and then put it on speaker phone.

"Sariah dear, sorry there was quite a line at the shop." She apologises.

"It's okay, I was just calling to ask if you'd seen my veil anywhere?"

"Um.. Don't believe I have."

"Did it even get picked up?"

"Dunno, I'll run and go see. Okay?"


"Just calm down, love. Everything will be okay."

"I'm just really stressed, ya' know?"

She chuckles, "I know the feeling, I had a wedding once too."

"I know, I was there, mum." I laugh.

"You were a mighty cute flower girl too." She pauses. "Alright deary, I have to go I'm driving."

"Bye mum, love you."

"Love you too." She speaks before hanging up.

How could my veil not be picked up? It was supposed to come in with the dress. I swear if I'll kill someone if I don't have a heart attack first.

If only Niall was here. I huff, and then check my phone to see if Niall texted. He hadn't, it was starting to worry me. I haven't seen him since we went to bed last night, when I woke up he was gone. The only thing he left was a simple sticky-note. It just said that he'd see me tomorrow.

I clicked on my mums and I's messages and typed a quick text, "Can you pick up some mint ice cream as well?" And hit send.

I guess I'll be stress eating tonight. Usually when I'm stressed I either don't eat at all, or I binge. One of my many faults really.

I never realised how hard life would be without him, I can't stand it. I don't want to imagine a world without Niall Horan. I know it's only been a day but I miss hearing his laugh, seeing his smile, feeling his embrace, and especially his affection. I miss his lips.

Jesus, I sound absolutely mad. But, it's all true.

I don't know how I'm going to sleep tonight. I'm so stressed, nervous, and anxious. And, I don't even have Niall here to calm me, I'm going to sleep alone for the first time in a long while. Which doesn't sit well with me, I've almost always had him with me. And I suppose when the tours start up and become more frequent it's going to be worse. I won't have him, and I'll be on the road as well. So we'll be even further apart. He could be in America and I'd be in the UK for Christ's sake.

I need to stop thinking about it before I have a panic attack. I start fiddling with my hands as the manicurist packs her things.

"Congratulations, and good luck." Her dainty voice speaks.

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