Chapter 5- Harry!

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I woke up to sunlight creeping into our room, the curtains were open and Niall was absent from my side. I looked at the clock and it read *5:45am*, Niall is never up this early. I climbed out of the bed, put on one of Niall's sweatshirts, and tiptoed down the steps. He wasn't in the living area, or the kitchen, or any of the washrooms.

I went back to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water when I noticed a sticky note on the refrigerator-

*I've just found out that I need to return to Ireland for family matters. I had to leave today, I'll be back on Saturday. I'll explain when I give you a ring. I'll phone you at about 9:30pm. I love you, darling. xx*

Great, so I'm going to be home alone till Saturday, and it's only Tuesday.. I've become accustomed to having someone with me every night, so this is going to be really weird. I'm awake and I know I won't be able to fall back asleep, I might as well watch a film. Walking over to the film shelf a wonderful idea occurred to me, I can ask one of the boys to come stay with me for a couple days. I don't think Niall would mind. I have to wait a bit before I actually call them though.


A few hours had passed and it was now 9:30am, I decided I'd call one of the boys. I couldn't call Zayn, Liam, or Louis they'd all be busy with their girlfriends.. The only one left would be Harry, that's fine by me I love Harry! As a friend of course. I scrolled down to the 'H' section in my contacts and then clicked on Harry's I.D. It rang once, rang twice, rang three times, Harry finally answered, "Hey."

"Hi, Harry!'

"What's up?'

"Well, Niall had to leave to Ireland so I'll be home alone for like 6 days.. And I'm really not used to it-"

"So you want me to come over?" He cut me off.

"Uh, yeah. If it wouldn't be too much of an inconvenience?"

"Nah, it's fine I'll be over in a few. I just gotta get some stuff together."

"Alright, yay! See ya soon Harry!"


Okay, so sorry it's short I've been working on a friggin' English project all weekend. Hope you all enjoy..

I'll update soon(:

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Byee loves c:


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