Chapter 13- Dont Leave

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"Have you got fitted for a suit?" I asked Niall while I laid my head on his chest.

"Not yet, I guess I'll make an appointment and I'll bring the lads with me?"

"Sounds alright, who's going to be the best man?" I ask while propping my left foot on the arm of the sofa.

"Haven't given that too much thought, who do you think?"

"Um, I'd say all of them."

"All of 'em? Can we do that?"

"We sure can, I don't see why not. I don't want you to choose between them."

I heard my phone sound letting me know I was receiving a phone call, I stood up and answered it while walking up into the bedroom.


"Sariah Jenkins?"

"This is she. Whom is this might I ask?"

"This is Catherine, with Modest! Management. Now I am aware you applied and got accepted into NYADA."

"Yes, ma'am."

"Have you thought about going to New York, or are you going to join the Modest! family?"

"I'm actually not sure, why? Is there a time crunch?"

"Well, yes a bit. I don't know if you're aware but Little Mix is going on tour soon and we need dancers. We need to know if you're in, or out?"

"Um, can I think about this and call you back in a few days time?"

"Sure, but think hard and quick. I need to know."

"Yes, thank you for calling." I hung up and went back downstairs and to Niall.

"Who was it?"


"What did she want?"

"Little Mix needs dancers and I got offered a job."

"Well, you gonna take it?"

"I have no idea. I just can't believe I got accepted into NYADA, that's huge."

"Well, if you go to New York this relationship might be hard."

I scoffed, "And you're always on tour or recording or doin' something. Don't ya' think that's hard for me?"

"No, you invite people to stay in our house. I'm sure you aren't lonely."

"Excuse me? Okay asshole, apparently this isn't worth it if leaving for a bit to better myself is 'hard'."

"Maybe it isn't worth it, you always just want to start something don't ya'?"

"No, I don't. I'm just saying, you have a nice life and job. I don't, hell I don't even have much of a career!

You know what maybe I should just sit here and do nothing with my life. Would that please you? Is anything I do good enough?"

I'm basically sobbing, my nerves are really getting to me right now. This isn't really helping at all.

I rush upstairs leaving Niall downstairs, I run into the bathroom, lock the door and sit on the floor weeping. I sometimes feel like what I do isn't good enough for him, or I don't do enough.

I'm sure he can find someone better then me, or more famous then me. Someone stronger and someone who can deal with all this.

"Babe, open the door."

"No" I sniffle and wipe some of the tears from my face, new ones fall to replace them.

"B-Sariah please" I hear his voice break.

I just remain seated on the bathroom floor, he can do so much better then me.

"I want to move out."

"What? No, please. Don't do this to me." He is sobbing, I can hear it in his voice.

"You can do so much better" this is extremely hard for me to say, it might end up being better for him in the long run.

"No, no. Please. If you leave I won't be able to breathe, I might as well be dead."

I unlock the door and he crawls over to me, "Don't leave me." His cheeks are bright red and his eyes are puffy from crying, a few tears fall from his eyes.

"I'm sorry." I stare at my reflection in the shower door.

"What? Sariah, please. I love you."

"I love you too, I didn't mean it." I begin to cry again and I bury my head in his chest.

He strokes my hair and we both try to calm down, "I'm terrible. I start everything, I'm no good. Why do you still want me?"

"You're none of those. I love you so much, I wouldn't be able to fathom you leaving."

I lay down and lay my head in his lap while we both stretch our legs out. Niall leans down and kisses me, "Don't leave me, ever" he whispers on my lips.


Merr, some drama. .-.

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