Chapter 17- Hell No

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"Well, I have some news for you, and you both might not like it."

"Like what?" Niall questioned while taking a seat, I followed behind him.

"Well, first lets get Sariah signing these papers."

"Initial here, here and here. Full signature here, and oh- here. Okay, well you're done!"

I smile in response.

"Welcome to the Modest! family, Sariah!"

"Thank you, Catherine."

Niall clears his throat, "What's the news, I'm dyin' here!"

"Right, well.. Unfortunately the two of you are going to have to split."

"Split?" I ask, completely puzzled.

"Yes, well. Not good for business now that you two are soon to be married. The Niall merchandise, along with One Direction merch sales have been down lately. Due to your little love affair."

I scoff, "Am I hearing you right? Um, no. The reason sales are down is because you still have fetus merch!"


"Yes, stuff from like 2011! Maybe if you updated the merch, you'd have more sales!"

Niall finally interjects, "No way in hell we're splittin'."

"Sorry, Niall. You have no choice, you abide by companies rules, and you too missy."

"Where in the contract did it say we couldn't get married?!" I raise my voice.

"Well, no where. But your relationships and personal lives are somewhat controlled by us."


"Excuse me Niall?"

"I said, hell no."

"You don't have a choice" she said sternly.

"Or what!?"

"We'll simply drop you, Niall."

"Drop him? Ha, help me. I'm dying" how dare she even think about dropping Niall.

"Catherine, you realise the rest of the boys would quit too right, you'd have no One Direction. We can find other management, sure there are plenty waiting to scoop us up" Niall speaks hesitantly. Is he scared of her?

He takes my hand in his and squeezes it reassuringly, "We're staying together, doesn't matter what you say. And we're getting married."

She sighs, both of her index fingers rest on her temples. "Fine. We'll keep in touch, Niall."

We both shoot up and rush out of the room, before leaving Niall says, "Don't be expecting an invite."

"Did that just really happen?" I ask quite flabbergasted.

"Yea' can't believe she'd make us do that!"

"I know, it's complete bull."

"I don't want any part of her right now."

"Me neither."

I whip out my phone and text Harry the news, he is quite shocked as well. He and the other lads are quite irritated with management at this point.

We stop by the pub and I jump in my car and tail Niall home, we quickly arrive and settle down to a night filled of cuddling and sappy films.


I know it's really short but I left you guys on a cliffhanger!

Well hope you enjoyed the drama!

Vote and comment! No silent readers!

Byee loves c:


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