Chapter 18- Pancake Lunch

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"Niall" I searched for him with my arm, feeling around the bed, my eyes still closed.

"Hmm" he hummed in response.

"How'd we get in bed?" I asked whilst sitting up.

"Um, well after you fell 'sleep last night, I carried you up here and I fell asleep myself."

"You didn't have to carry me babe."

"I know, but I didn't want to wake you."

"Well, thanks. I'll make breakfast?"

"Yes please! I'm starvin'."

I climbed out of bed, slid into my house slippers and made my way downstairs and into the kitchen.

I looked everywhere and couldn't find any sort of breakfast items, then I remembered its been awhile since we've been shopping.

"Niallll" I groaned.


"We need to go to the market!"

"What for?"

"We've got nothing to make!"

"Gah, alright.. Well lets get dressed then?"

"Okay, coming." I trudged back up the stairs and into the bedroom. I searched everywhere and couldn't find any clean shirts, I suppose I should do laundry as well.

"Babe"-I walked into the bathroom and wrapped my arms around his somewhat toned stomach-"I don't have any clean shirts."

He smiled, "Use one of mine then, it's no problem."

"You sure?"

"Course, why would it be a problem?"

"Dunno, but thanks."

I returned to the bedroom and dug around in his drawers looking for something I could wear out, since we were only going to the market I didn't need to wear anything nice so I just pulled out one of his sweaters. It was really cute, black and white, and almost Christmasy like, but then again it wasn't.

I've only seen Niall wear it a few times.

I pulled that on, and then put on some tights and black vans. I pulled my hair up into a bun and put on very little mascara and eyeliner.

We were ready to go, Niall was wearing jeans, Nikes, and his signature "Crazy Mofos" shirt.

He looked absolutely adorable, then again.. When isn't he?


We finally arrive at the store and we get straight to business, we get the necessities and then the extra stuff we don't really need.

It doesn't take us very long, maybe 30 minutes or so. I push the cart into the checkout lane and out of the corner of my eye I see 3 girls freaking out, they are obviously snapping photos and Tweeting.

"Niall" I warn, I already know within minutes screaming fans will be surrounding the building.

He shifts his weight from his left leg unto his right, "I know, we need to hurry."

The cashier rings us up quickly and then we rush out of the door, I hold on to the buggy and Niall encases me from behind, he's holding on to the cart as well. His hands next to mine, and our bodies close.

We are then immediately swarmed by paparazzi and excited fans, we push our way through the crowd. I then again hear the paparazzi ask the same questions, about me being pregnant and if Niall is cheating.

We say nothing and keep walking, we finally get to his car and some security help keep the crowd away. We quickly load up and drive home.

"God, that was crazy Niall."

"I suppose you get used to it."

"I don't know how you do it.."

"You mean we, how we do it."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, paps follow you around too, I mean you're somewhat famous too."

"If you look at it that way, then I guess.. But you deal with it more then me."

"Yeah, well"-he looks at the clock on the stove-"Guess it's too late for breakfast then?"

I chuckle, "We can still have it if you want."

He claps his hands together, "What're we havin'?"

"Well I was thinking maybe some pancakes?"

He grins,"Sounds amazing."


More of a filler this chapter..

Hope you enjoyed it regardless..

Also, go check out my Louis and new Harry fanfics(: xx

Who else loved 5SOS's artwork for "She Looks So Perfect"???

Should I make an Instagram for this fanfic? I could post outfits and such on it, comment what you think.

Vote and comment! No silent readers!

Byee loves c:


All Because Of A TweetOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora