Chapter 10- He's Back, Eh?

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When I arrive to Sariah and I's flat I immediately rushed in and saw Harry sprawled out on the sofa barley awake. "Shes in the room lad" he whispers. I drop my bag and climb up the stairs, my hand meeting the cool-to-the-touch doorknob. I turn it and push open the door. Sariah is fast asleep in only a towel and undergarments on the bed. Her blonde hair, which right now is a light brown, still wet. Telling me she hasn't been asleep long.

I quickly go to my dresser and pull out a long t-shirt, I take off the towel covering her half naked body and slide the shirt on with ease. I then pull the covers over her and climb into my side of the bed, pulling her close and falling asleep soon after.


I turn over onto my left side and my body meets another, at first I think it's Harry. But Harry wouldn't sleep with me, or even hold me the way this person does. I open my heavy eyelids and see a sleeping Irish lad.

Niall has arrived home.

I quietly climb out of bed and take notice to what I'm wearing, one of Niall's shirts. Which are huge on me, might I say. They smell of him and his cologne, which smells heavenly. I slip on a pair of moccasins, because the floor was freezing, and walk down to the sitting room. I notice that Harry is already awake, and packing up his bag.

"Hey, Harry" I smile.

"Hey, how're you feeling?"

"I'm actually in a good mood" I chuckle.

He grins, "Well that's fantastic!"

"I really appreciate you staying over here, and helping me out. If it weren't for you, well.. I'd be an even bigger train wreck then I am."

"You aren't a wreck, just sad and upset. Which is understandable. Your family is going through a rough time right now."

We both sit on the sofa, "So are you leaving today, Harry?"

"Well yeah, I see no need for me to be here if Niall is back."

I nod, "I guess.. Speaking of Niall, how long has he been back?"

"Um, he arrived about a quarter till 2." Harry and I hear the floorboard creak and we both turn around, Niall is leaning on the doorframe yawning.

"Hey, babe. Why didn't you wake me?"

"I wanted you to rest. You arrived pretty late."

He nods, "C'mere." I comply and get up from my spot on the couch and walk over to him.

He whispers, "I need to have a word with Harry. I'll meet you in the bedroom, okay darling?" I nod my head in agreement and do as he says.

Why can't I be included in their conversation?

~10 minutes later~

I'm sitting on the bed still waiting for Niall, geez how long is he going to take? I might as well have stayed downstairs..

I feel a hand caress my back making me turn around, Niall has a lustful smirk plastered on his face. I stand up to face him and then lean in to kiss him, he kisses back. His tongue begging for entrance, which I gratefully allow.

As his tongue roams around my mouth, his grip around my waist grows tighter.

We pull apart for a split second for him to say, "Jump." I do as he says, and then I wrap my legs around his torso. He spins around and moves forward, leaving the wall behind me. As we deepen into our kiss he pulls away.

"Undress" he commands.

I pull away, "Niall, I cant. Maybe some other time."

He nods understandingly, "I completely understand, right."

I kiss him once more and then lead him to the bed, we cuddled and I laid my head on his chest.

He smiles, "I love you."


I'm back bitches!

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Byee loves c:


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