Please Read

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Sorry if you thought this was an update but it's not.

I'm sorely upset, I only received one comment on this last chapter.

Gonna give her a shout out @Devingirl17. Thanks(:

I'm honestly upset, I mean it kind of makes me feel under appreciated.
And I also received 18 or so votes, and the read to vote ratio is off the charts.

Is this a sign to stop writing? Maybe so.

So I might delete or stop, I'm sorry if you feel this is unfair but writing takes a lot of courage, time, and heart. And when you receive hardly any complements, critiques, or motivation it really slows you down and lowers your writing "self esteem".

Again, really sorry this is not an update and it is pretty upsetting.

But this has been a fantastic sequel, and I really enjoyed writing the first one.
And I appreciate how far I've gotten, that was all you guys!

Comment your thoughts.

Well, as always I love you guys, stay beautiful.

Byee loves.


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