Chapter 26- Football

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The wedding is in two days, two friggin' days. I can't believe it. I'm really excited, and extremely nervous as well.

I've met loads of Niall's extended family, and him, mine. They're really nice and extremely supportive of us both. I guess they can sense our love for each other.

But to be perfectly honest, I'm really focused on impressing Niall's mum and brother. I know they mean the world to him, so it's important to me that they continue to like me.

I've also noticed that he is trying to stay on my mum and pa's good side as well. Niall and my dad have been watching tons of football together, he's also been very involved in the kitchen with my mum.

She honestly loves it when Niall helps out in the kitchen, even if it's as simple as washing dishes or putting up a knife. I just think overall my mum loves Niall. I mean, who doesn't?

He's got an amazing personality, a laugh that makes your heart burst, a smile that lights up the room, he's extremely kind, and not to mention, very attractive. I sound all sappy and soft, but it's all true. I mean every word of it.

Sometimes I wonder what Niall sees in me. I have light brown hair, and so do a lot of the female population; blue kind of dull eyes; kind of tan skin. I'm happy that I have clear skin though, no pimples.

What am I saying? I need to stop putting myself down. Niall's already told me that I'm perfect for him, honestly that's who I need to be perfect for. Not the fans, not the haters, not strange men, just Niall.

I guess I had a worried look on my face because Niall had his hand on my shoulder and a confused look plastered on his face.

"Something wrong, princess?"

I shook my head, "No, I'm fine." I smile.

He chuckles and shakes his head as well, "Well that's good."

He pecks me quickly on the lips and suggests that we go into the lounge and socialize. Which I comply to and trail behind him into the lounge.

Both of our families are socializing and playing board games or electronic games with each other. Which makes me happy, I'm happy that they all get along. I don't know what I would do if they didn't.

"Niall! Oh, Niall dear!" My mum rushes over to Niall. "Would you be a dear and help me chop some corn in half?"

He smiles and nods his head sweetly, "Yes, ma'am I'd love to." He says while I stifle a giggle.

He smirks and then plants a kiss on my forehead, and then follows my mum back into the kitchen.

A few moments later my father walks over to me, "You wouldn't happen to know where Niall is?"

I laugh, "I do actually, he's helping mum out in the kitchen. Why?"

"Just wonderin' if he would want to watch the game, mighty good one so far."

"Well, I do know that Greg isn't doing much of anything right now. Why don't you ask him?"

"You know, I guess I will. He seems like a nice bloke." He says while turning on his heels and walking toward Greg.

Just then, Niall stalks over to me.

"What's up, babe?"

"My dad was just wondering where you were."

"Oh, really? Why?"

"He wanted to watch football with you, but I sent him to watch with Greg."

"Ah, alright. D'ya know the score, or if it's good?"

"Yeah, well my father just said it was real good. I dunno the score though."

He stared in the direction of the telly longingly, "Niall, you can go watch if you want."

"Will you watch it with me?"

"I dunno, I might clean up a bit. The flat is a bit messy."

His bottom lip pursed out and his eyes drooped, "Please, babee?" He dragged.

I sighed, "Okay, but only for a bit. I really need to clean up."

He threw his fists up in accomplishment, "Yes!"

He grabbed my hand and dragged me over to the telly and we plopped down, watching the game.


Hope you enjoyed!

Kiss Me Kiss Me leaked! I'm kind of upset it leaked because the boys worked so hard on it, but I mean, I love the song! Who else?? Comment your opinion.

I'll update soonn(:

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Byee loves  c:


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