Chapter 20- Tea

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Everyone arrives at Niall and I's flat and we all take a seat on the sofa and love-seats.

"What're we going to do about this?" Harry blurts.

"I-I dunno, maybe I should just stay here.."

The boys frown, "Seriously?"

"Yes Niall, I mean what else are we supposed to do? It's best if I stay here so you can have a life.."

Niall shakes his head disapprovingly, "I can't allow that."

"Isn't that what's best?"

"No, you deserve to leave this house!"

I frown and look away, it's better I don't say anything while he's upset.

I hear Louis pipe up, "Maybe El and I could go out and attract the paps while you two get things done?"

"That'd actually be fantastic"-Niall says while grabbing my hand-"Right, darling?"

I look at Louis and squeak, "Yeah, right."

I just don't want to get Niall in any sort of trouble, and now that I'm under Modest!'s reign I suppose I can get in trouble now too..

"I just don't want anyone to get in trouble" I sigh.

"Who cares, Catherine is overstepping now" Harry speaks, again.

I stand up and release Niall's hand, and make my way to the kitchen. I need an escape, and I might as well make some tea.

I walk into the kitchen, grab the tea and kettle, and set up. While the tea brews I pull out my phone and send my mum a text, "Hi mum, I love and miss you. How're things going?"

I slide my phone back into my pocket and I hear footsteps coming toward me, it's Niall.

"What're you thinking, princess?"

I sigh and turn around so my back is facing him.

His hands snake around my waist and he rests his head on mine, "Tell me, love."

"I just don't want any drama before the biggest day of my life."

"What about my life?"

"I would've thought that making it into the X-Factor, or One Direction making it big would be the biggest day?"

"My family is really important to me, this wedding will be the biggest day. Aside from the day I have children."

I pull a smile, "Children?"

"Yep, children" he hums.

The kettle whistles loudly, I remove it from the burner and pour some into 6 mugs. We each grab 3 and pass them out amongst everyone. My phone vibrates and I fish it out of my pocket, thinking its my mum who replied.

It's actually El, "Heard about Catherine, sorry about that. Lou and I'll go out if you want?"

"Thanks, I'll just call if we need to."

As soon as I reply to El I receive a message from my mum, "Hey honey, love you too. I've just been going through chemotherapy, getting better each day."

"I'm really looking forward to seeing you at the wedding."

"Your father and I can't wait."

"We can't either, I love you guys, but I have to go."

I set my phone on the coffee table and pick up my tea, sipping on it slowly.

The lads chat amongst themselves and I just sit, listening.

They really are like brothers, it's really cute the way they socialize around each other. Definitely more like brothers then band mate's.

Few hours pass and the boys leave, Niall and I are home alone again. I love having the lads 'round but it's great spending alone time with Niall.

I snuggle up to Niall, we're on our bed. Niall scrolls through his Twitter newsfeed, replying to and retweeting things.

He finally sets his phone down and wraps his arms around me, warming me up instantly.

I couldn't ask for a better fiancé then him.


Hope you all enjoyed!

I typed this up on my phone sorry if there are errors.

Vote and comment! No silent readers!

Byee loves c:


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