Chapter 19- McDonalds

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Niall and I woke up pretty early today, he and the lads went to the tailor to make sure the suits fit absolutely perfect. And I had to go over the guest list again, and make sure all the little things were accounted for.

I went over the guest list, adding extra last minute people, and removing people who couldn't make it, stuff like that..

I also went over the seating arrangements, I had to make sure people who disliked each other didn't sit at the same table, or same general area as each other.

But for the most part everybody liked each other, just a few who had gotten into a silly argument

over something dumb..

They'll get over it soon enough, but I'm saying right now, there will absolutely be no drama whatsoever at the ceremony.

I set down the papers and picked up my phone, I sent out a group message to Danielle, Perrie, and Eleanor. I asked them about their dresses, and all the things pertaining to them.

They all told me to stop worrying so much, everyone tells me that.

They all tell me not to stress, but I don't see how that's possible. Planning a wedding is quite stressful.

I mean I don't think I have even half the stress as most brides, but with my nerves any stress isn't too good at all..

I stand up and stretch, I haven't eaten all day and I'm absolutely starved..

I text Niall and ask if its okay for me to phone him, he tells me to go on ahead.

I dial in his number and wait for him to pick up.

"Hey babe."

"Hey Niall."

"So, what's up?"

"Where are you right now?"

"With the lads fixing to leave the tailors, why?"

"Maybe we could all go grab lunch?"

"Sounds great actually, we were thinking the same!"

"Where should we go?"

"Somewhere quick?"

"Yeah, McDonalds?"

"Yeah, sounds good. I'll head over now."

"See ya' soon, darling."

I hang up and, grab my keys from off the counter, and then head out to my car. I quickly head over to the nearest McDonalds, to my surprise I'm here before the guys.

I decide to order for them, I know what they all like so it isn't too difficult.

I quietly push two tables together so that there is enough room for us all in one area. One employee stares but doesn't say anything, so I assume it's completely fine for me to be doing this.

As soon as I take a seat the cashier calls my number, as I'm about to get up the guys walk in and grab the trays for me. They seem pleased with what I've ordered for them, leaving me relieved.

Niall takes the seat next to me and the guys swarm around us. On either side, or in front of us.

I'm really happy to see all of the boys, I haven't seen them in what feels like ages.

"Hey, lads!"

They all grin and say 'hi' in return.

"Mrs. Horan, you going to eat the rest of those fries?" Louis asks while smirking.

"Oh god, Louis. We aren't married yet!"-I chuckle-"And no, I'm not. Here."

He laughs and then takes the fries generously.

My phone vibrates in my pocket so I pull it out and see that I've received a text from Catherine.

"Sariah, you're going to have to stay out of the public eye, and away from Niall in the public for a bit."

Quite flabbergasted I text back, "Catherine, that's a bit impossible I'm afraid. You can't tell me to stay away from my fiancé, I have to be out and about anyway. I'm getting married in a couple weeks!"

"Sorry, but if you refuse to listen I'll have people posted outside your flat round the clock."

I angrily huff and set my phone down on the table, the boys look at me puzzled.

"What's wrong princess?" Niall asks while taking my hand in his.

"Read these" I hand him my phone and allow him to read through the few messages.

He groaned and appeared to be quite upset, "The hell is her problem, honestly can't she just leave us alone?"

I cross my arms against my chest and frown, she just gets off on making my life hard doesn't she?

"What're we going to do?"

Niall sets my phone down in front of me and sighs, "I dunno, but this is complete bullshit."

The rest of the lads just stare at us blankly.

Liam finally speaks up, "You mind telling us what's going on?"

"Basically Catherine wants Niall and I not to be seen together, and I'm proper on house arrest."

"What? She can't just do that!" Harry exclaims quite frustrated.

"She really is pushing our buttons now." Zayn groans.

"Look guys maybe we should go, maybe back to our flat or something?" I stand up and notice two girls in line obviously snapping photos of us.

I drag all of the lads out of the eatery and we all head over to our flat.


Sorry, I've been really behind in updating!

So, so sorry!

Good news I've made the Instagram account its @IGforCrazyMofos

Go check it out(:

I also want to give these girls a shout out for being the only ones to comment on the last chapter, @Courtneybooo, @LeslyHoran143, and @peytie_horan

Thank you loads girls(:

I'll update soon

Vote and comment! No silent readers!

Byee loves c:


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