Chapter 23- Twitter

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I decide to check my Twitter since I haven't been on it in ages. I click on the Twitter app and wait for it to refresh. I immediately get notifications that I've gained tons of followers and lots of people have tweeted at me.

I go over to Niall's account and click on the picture he posted of us the other day. The amount of comments are overwhelming, I read through some. 

There are a lot of people who think we're the most adorable couple ever, and then there are some who say nasty things about me.

I read through the negative commments "@Nialls_bae54321 'She's so ugly y does Niall lyk her'?"

"@OneD123 'She is like so fat #ew'."

"@One_Perfection1999 'He needs to dump her ugly arse'."

The negative remarks creep into my head, and they start to place an effect on me. Am I really fat? Am I really that ugly?

I click back to my profile and read some of the tweets that were tweeted to me.

"Liams_baby743 'Omg u r so pretty'!"

"@MARRYME1D 'Niall is so lucky'!"

And then I begin to see some more negative tweets.

"@Janoskins_marry_me56 'Go die and lve Niall alone'."

"@Tay_Swifty890 'Ur such a troll'."

"@Edsbae 'Go kill urself'."

I can't stand to read anymore of this, I exit the app and throw my phone across the sofa. I pull my knees up to my chest and rest my head on my knees.

I feel the tears building up in my eyes and I sniffle, how can someone just tell me to die like that?

I hear footsteps coming down the stairs and I know it's Niall, I try to regain my composure in hopes he doesn't ask what's wrong.

"Sariah, why're you crying?"

"I'm not technically crying, Niall."

"Why all the fuss, love, then?'"

"It's nothing."

He sits next to me and pulls me into his chest, he strokes my hair trying to soothe me.

"Just nonsense on Twitter, is all."

"Like what?"

"Have you checked my Twitter recently?"

"Not since last week maybe."

"Maybe you should now.."

I lean my head on his shoulder so he can check Twitter. He quickly goes to my profile and reads some of the tweets that were tweeted to me.

"This is terrible. How could t'fans do this?"

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have shown that to you.."

"No, it's good you did.. I needed to know that."

I lay my head on Niall's lap and stare at the ceiling, maybe I should delete my Twitter.

"Babe" -I direct my attention to him- "You're absolutely beautiful, don't listen to t'haters. They aren't my fans if they're saying that shit. You're perfect for me, that's why I love you. Okay?"

I sigh silently and force a smile "Yeah."


Sorry this was like super short. But hope you enjoyed regardless!

Should I make a 5SOS fanfic?? Leave a comment!

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Byee loves  c:


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