Chapter Two

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First hour finally came after twenty minutes in that class. She ran out of the class at the bell, and ran back down to the band room. After almost falling down the stairs twice, she ran through the hallways. She grabbed her flute, put it together, and warmed up.

There were two girls that played better than her, and sat in front of her for it. She was third chair, and there was another two girls behind her. The one right next to her was Alyssa, a golden haired girl that secretly was going through the same stuff.

Araya looked at Alyssa. "So I heard there's a new guy coming in this hour. His name was like, Talon or something. Plays clarinet." Alyssa told her. "Cool," She mumbled. Alyssa got closer, whispering so no one else could hear, "is it getting worse?" Araya nodded slowly. Alyssa looked at Araya with apologetic eyes.

Just then, the new boy walked in, and the bell rang for class to start. He carried a clarinet case, and was tall, much taller than Araya. He had jet black hair, light brown at the tips. He wore a black hoodie that said "Sleeping With Sirens" on the front of it in light grey. He wore black jeans with it.

He sat down at the end of the clarinet row. He put his clarinet together with ease. He must have noticed Araya staring at him, because he waved to her. She waved back. New friend? She thought. No. Her mind told her. She looked down, in an effort to hide that she was about to have a panic attack from everyone else. Her band teacher, Mrs. Bose, took attendance. After, Araya went to her. "Can I go to the bathroom?.." She asked quietly. Mrs. Bose signed her a pass, and she ran into a stall, crying.

You're not good enough for him.

No! I am!

Worthless. You're worthless. He won't ever love you.



At this point, she was throwing up, forcing herself to keep going until there was blood. Someone walked in. She tried to shut herself up, but her attempts failed.

"Araya, was it?" It was a deep voice. Deeper than a normal girl's voice. Talon. She didn't answer. She could tell he came here for her. He was sitting outside of her stall. "Hey. It's Talon. And, yes, I know I shouldn't be here, but I am..special." He told her. Transgender to male? She asked internally. She didn't dare say it. She didn't speak at all.

She was going to stop speaking.

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