Chapter Twenty Two

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Ho ho holy shit theres a huge warning for cursing and violence in this chapter okay enjoy owo

Talon's POV

Araya had to get stitches on her neck. Those were the deepest cuts she had on her body. She had cut into part of her vocal box thing, so she couldn't talk for a while. What was the other thing..? Oh, yeah. She was in a comatose state. Her estimated time for her to wake up was in two days. Two days. How could I survive one? I felt so guilty. I caused this. I caused her to fall into a coma.

The good thing was, she could support herself. She didn't need life support. And she would get better. The bad thing was, she had to get surgery to fix her vocal box. And if it was too severe for them to fix, then..she would have to go mute. So she could easily hide everything from me, she could lie to me, she could leave me without a single word.

I sat by her bed, looking at the beautiful girl who destroyed herself. The girl who had lost her innocence against her will.

Lost her innocence against her will.

That's what pushed me over the edge. This sweet, beautiful, talented little girl had lost everything. Her parents, her life, her innocence. I knew she was dying inside because of it. She was drowning, with no water. She was suffocating, with air all around her.

Or was that me?

Either way, I stood up when the nurse came in. "Hey, sweetheart. How are you holding up? You haven't left the room-" "I'm fine." I cut her off. "I just love her so much." I said, looking over at Araya. The nurse put a hand on my shoulder. "I know, Talon. We'll fix her, okay?" She said quietly. I looked at her, and nodded slowly. "I..I'm gonna go for a walk. I need some fresh air." I told her. "Alright. I'll be right here, watching over Araya for you." She said. I nodded, then opened the door and left the room.

I wasn't going for a walk. I was going for a fight.

It sounds stupid, but I was going to fight the gang that hurt her so much. With a few friend's help, of course. I ended up with about 13 kids behind met as I walked down the street of the alley where they hung out.

"Talon, are we really going to do this?" I heard Alyssa ask. "Of course. I told you everything about it, and they deserve it." I replied, nothing but pure anger boiled inside me. I pulled out my pocket knife, which was freshly sharpened. Just in case, I told myself, but really I knew the truth; it wasn't 'just in case.'

It was 'I'm going to fucking kill these guys.'


My small crew made it to the alley. I peeked around the corner to make sure they were there, which they were. Four guys, all punk looking. Torn jeans and ripped shirts covered them, piercings on their faces. They had messy hair, and they would've been intimadating if I hadn't been prepared.

"On the count of three, we charge." I whispered. I put up three fingers.

Why am I doing this?


Oh my god, I might die.


I lead everyone into the alley, the men looking at us. Some screamed as if they were charging into battle, others just ran. I jumped at the biggest one, then groaning as he threw me to the ground. I didn't stop, though; these guys had to go down.

They hurt her.

I ran back at the big guy, throwing punches and kicks.

They abused her.

I kept throwing hits at him, and he barely fought back. He wasn't taking any damage.

He violated her.

I threw my foot into his 'lower area,' which made him groan loudly and stumble over. I grabbed my pocket knife, opening it. "This is your punishment for hurting that little girl!" I yelled. I stood over him, pointing the knife at him.

"Which one?" He asked, his voice raspy as he smirked. I lowered myself so we were face to face directly. "Red brown hair. Skinny. Suicidal. Ring a motherfucking bell?!" I yelled, putting the knife to his neck. He chuckled quietly. "Oh, yeah..the screamer?" He asked. "The one who I fucked?" He questioned further. My grip tightened on the knife. "Yeah." I replied bitterly, the edge in my voice so strong it hurt my throat.

"She enjoyed it. I don't know what you're talking about, kid." He told me. "You're gonna die." I told him simply. "Tell my little baby that I love her for me." He smirked.

I snapped.

I pushed the knife deeper, into his neck, and ran it across. Blood splattered everywhere; onto my hands, onto my clothes, onto my face. I felt relief, and happiness. I smiled, enjoying the warm feel of the blood. I stood up, turning around. Everyone stared at me in horror.

"Who else hurt my little Araya?" I asked. No one answered, and I assumed they were scared for their life. "I'll kill you all if you don't speak up right now!" I screamed. The other three punk guys stepped forward. I smiled.

"This is gonna be fun." I said softly, chuckling quietly.

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