Chapter Ten

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That night, Talon had went home with Araya. She didn't talk at all for the rest of the day. She carried that notebook everywhere now. She always had a few pencils with her. Chelsea and her girls were all hitting on Talon, probably just for the fun of it, to hurt Araya. Everyone knew that she got jealous easily.

When Talon and Araya walked into Araya's house, they were greeted by Araya's mother. "Hi, sweeties!" She chirped happily. "Hello, mom." They both said back. Araya reduced herself to only talking when actually needed. She couldn't stop talking to her mother, especially now. She'd just think Araya was over dramatic and overreacting.

Talon smiled. "We're just going to go watch some movies, alright?" Talon asked. "Of course!" Lisa squealed. The kids went up to Araya's room.

Araya collapsed on the bed, groaning. She was silent, and afraid of what anyone had to say. "Araya, you can at least talk to me." Talon told her, sitting down next to her broken and bruised body. Talon looked around, seeing that there was a bloodied blade on Araya's dresser. And the mirror was broken. He looked back at Araya, who was silently crying, but didn't show any signs of it.

Talon got up to inspect the mirror and blade. He picked the blade up, realizing it was the blade of a pocket knife. The handle was scratched and worn out, while the blade itself had been dented. So it would hurt more. He looked at the mirror, seeing she had to have punched the mirror to have broken it like this.

Araya had moved to where she was standing behind him, looking at him. "Talon, I can explai-" "Let me see your wrists." Talon cut her off. He had anger and sadness in his tone, along with something Araya knew.. disappointment. He was disappointed in her. The could tell in every way; the way his voice sounded, the look in his eyes when he looked at her, the way he backed away from her when she would get too close.. he was disappointed.

She pulled up her hoodie sleeves. She was clean. "Where the hell have you been cutting?" Talon asked, getting more angry. Had she been.. hiding from him? Araya silently pointed to her legs. She looked away from his thought-provoking stare. "You've been cutting again..and you lied and hid it from me?" Talon asked, now only pure sadness.

Araya dared to look back at him, seeing that he was near tears. " you me?" Talon asked, holding everything back. Was he trying to hide it? Or..was he trying to be strong for her..? "I do!" Araya told him. "I love you, Talon, a-and I'll stop for good! Please..don't l-l-leave..." Araya begged. Talon stared at her. She thought he was leaving? God, she was so broken..

Talon pulled her against him, quiet now. Araya took comfort in his warming hold. She felt the tears gathering in her eyes. She didn't hold back, however. She let the tears fall, she let the thoughts take over for this short period of time she would be crying. She cried, she sobbed, and all the while, Talon was there.

Talon Knight Shaffer, who had loved her so, so much, stayed by her side, no matter what. Some would take him as clingy, but really, he was trying to protect her. He was trying to keep her from shattering, from breaking any further, but his attempts weren't working. Was there a way to help her? Was he all alone, trying to save a broken soul? Did anyone else even know besides him and Alyssa? Did her parents know? Or was he and Alyssa..alone? He didn't know. He knew one thing for sure, though-that he wasn't going to stop trying. Not until either she was fixed, or he was dead.

After a little while, Araya had calmed down. Talon had started crying as well. He stopped a little while after Araya. "" Araya whispered. Talon rubbed her back. "Araya, I'd do anything for you. And the biggest thing on that long list is saving you." Araya felt herself smile. And she didn't hide it. She accepted his love. And she accepted that she's loving him back. She wasn't going to hide anymore. If she cut again, she would tell him. If anything were to happen, she would tell him immediately.

And she was still hiding one huge thing from him..but she wouldn't dare say it now. That would have to come later. Right now, all she was going to do was cherish the warmth of his arms around her, the feeling that she was safe. Though it wouldn't last long, she stayed right there, in that moment. She stayed in the present, instead of obsessing over the past or the future.

She was happy. And she wouldn't let anything destroy that.

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