Chapter Eighteen (500+ reads?!)

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Okay so surely some of you have listened to Melanie Martinez's album Crybaby, right? I'm gonna have a few chapters based on some of those songs, and in the comments try to guess what song it's based off of. This is the first chapter based on one of the songs.

Also, side note: how did this get more than 500 reads? Like what?? I don't remember people actually liking my stuff :O if you like this, don't be a silent reader! Vote, comment, and follow for more stuff like this!

Araya had ignored the shadow, and after a while of laying with Talon in silence, she fell back asleep.

About two hours later, she woke up again. Luckily, it was Sunday. Only one day left before school. When she woke up, she was alone again. This time, the shadows didn't visit her. She got up, adjusting her pants because the waistband had made themselves crooked while she was asleep.

She walked into the living room, where Talon had been messing around with Mittens. Mittens meowed softly, and Talon looked at the crazy haired girl. "Hey, baby." He greeted. She waved, then walked into the kitchen. She went right to the fridge, looking for something to eat. After finding nothing, she gave up and went back to the living room. She walked to the couch, falling onto it, groaning. Talon stifled a laugh. "Don't fucking laugh." Araya grumbled.

Talon noticed the edge to her voice. She was upset about something. "Araya? What's wrong?" He dropped the yarn ball he held in his hand in front of Mittens, who played with it. Araya lifted her head up, sitting up. "Oh, I don't know, I just almost committed suicide like last month, we have a cat, and, hmm, what was the other thing? Oh, yeah, my parents left me!" She yelled, her words laced dramatically with sarcasm.

Talon was surprised at her. She spoke as if she were about to cry, but was angry and was about to snap at the same time. She was being sarcastic, which Talon was used to, but not from her. Especially towards him.

Talon gently put his hand on her cheek. "Baby, calm do-" "Don't tell me to calm down! I don't want to calm down!" She screamed, swatting his hand away. Now Talon was confused. She was screaming and yelling, hitting him, using sarcasm?

Tears filled her eyes, though she ignored them and ran back into her bedroom, her only escape. She collapsed on the bed, groaning. She finally let the tears out, crying silently. Talon didn't follow her, however. She just suffered such a terrible loss, and with what she's going through, she's lost and needs time, Talon told himself.

But could she ever be found?

Talon shook the thought from his head. Of course she can be found! With his help, of course.

Within a blink of an eye, Talon and Araya were waking up on Monday morning. Araya shut her alarm off, groaning. "Do I have to?" She asked Talon. "Yes, Araya..come on, we're gonna be late." Talon said, getting up. Araya layed there, groaning again. "Noo" She moaned. "Yess." Talon retorted. "Baby, please. For me?" He begged. Araya rolled off the bed, not getting up. "Fiiiiine." She said. Talon helped her up. She got the blackest outfit in her closet, a plain black T-shirt, a black hoodie, and black jeans. She went in the bathroom and put them on.

Talon, on the other hand, wore a grey shirt with a buffering sign on it that said "Attempting to Care. Please wait a moment." He put on light blue jeans, and put a pair of plain white socks on and pulled his shoes on. When she was done getting dressed, she went in the bedroom and grabbed her galaxy backpack, and pulled her combat boots on her black socked feet. "Come on." She mimicked. Talon stared at her for a moment, then grabbed his backpack and with Araya, walked out the door, locking it.

They walked to school, Araya silent. Once they got to the doors, Araya stopped walking for a moment, regaining her courage. She took a deep breath, then began walking again.

School sweet hell. She thought. Immediately she walked down to the band room. And she was met with the clique of girls. She groaned to herself, and tried pushing past them. Maddie pushed her back. "Where do you think you're going, girlie?" Maddie asked, popping a bubble with her gum. Araya didn't answer. Chelsea stepped up, getting in the brunettes face. "Well? Answer her!" Chelsea yelled. Tears welled in Araya's eyes.

After a moment, she couldn't fight them anymore. She let the tears fall, in front of the girls, in front of everyone. Some of the girl's snickered. Chelsea laughed, unwrapping a lollypop. "Looks like we've got a crybaby." She announced. Suddenly, there were kids surrounding the girls. Some of them were chanting "fight, fight, fight!" But others just watched.

"Everybody, little Araya here is a crybaby!" Chelsea yelled. Some kids laughed. Then, they started chanting.

"Crybaby! Crybaby! Crybaby! Crybaby!"

The noise rang in Araya's ears, repeating over and over. She just stood there, tears falling. She couldn't help but smile. The smile then turned to laughter. She laughed through the tears, and everything went silent except for her. She walked toward Chelsea, closing the small space between them. Dispite the tears burning her eyes, she smiled in the blonde's face. "Sorry, sweetheart. You don't quite affect me anymore." Araya grabbed the lollypop stick out of her mouth, and threw it onto the floor.

She walked past them, to the band room. The students were left speechless, especially Chelsea and her girls. The kids whispered among themselves.
"Did she just do that?"
"What did she say to Chelsea? I didn't hear.."
"She talked?"
"She just walked past them?"

Chelsea was filled with anger, screaming loudly. "Araya Gabrielle Bailey, get back out here!" She yelled. Araya stopped where she stood, her heart dropping into her stomach.

Araya Gabrielle Bailey.
Mom. Dad.

The tears came back, this time, to stay. She spun on her heels. "What?" She asked. Chelsea stomped to her, picking the small girl up by her shirt collar. "When I'm done with you I swear to god your face will be all over these goddamn walls!" She yelled. Araya flinched. She didn't do anything, though. Neither of them did. They just stayed still, staring at each other.

"You're hurt."

Araya's words hung in the air for a moment. "What?" Chelsea asked after a long moment of processing what she said. "You're hurt." Araya repeated slowly. "No I'm not. What are you talking about?" She dropped Araya. "Who hurt you, Chelsea?" Araya questioned, her voice quiet and soft, meant to be comforting. Chelsea stared at Araya, and Araya could see the pain and torment in her blue eyes. Araya took a step forward. "I'm sorry." She smiled, trying to comfort the hurt girl.

"You're crazy, crybaby." She said, pushing Araya away. But Araya ignored her attempts to push her away. "Let me help you. Please." She said, but by the time the words came out, Chelsea was running down the hallway.

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