Chapter Twenty Five

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Late June.

Third person Pov.

Araya and Talon sat at home. Araya had gotten her throat fixed and could now speak, though she wasn't supposed to until she was fully healed. Most of her wounds were finally healing up, and the one thing she wanted most had happened: summer break. No more kids, no more people she had to deal with. Besides Talon, of course. But she didn't mind him. She loved him.

Araya was curled up in Talon's arms, asleep. Talon was awake, watching her, making sure she was okay. He lightly caressed her hair, smiling as he did. "You're so beautiful, but you don't realize it.." Talon whispered, knowing she didn't hear. "Don't worry, baby. I'll protect you."

After a while of him cradling her in his arms, Araya woke up. She pushed herself away from him, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. "Morning, sweetheart." Talon greeted her. She waved in response. "How was your sleep?" Talon asked, smiling comfortingly. Over the last few weeks, they both learned sign language off of Google and YouTube, so they could communicate fluently until Araya could speak again. It was fine, Araya signed, smiling back at him. "Are you hungry?" Talon questioned, getting up. Araya nodded, holding her head. "What's wrong, kitten?" I have a headache. "I'll see if we have any medicine." Araya nodded then shooed him away with her hand.

A little while later, Talon came back with a little measuring cup full of medicine, and a plate of pancakes. Araya looked up at him, barely awake still. "Hey, kitten. I made you pancakes, just the way you like them." Talon said, sitting next to Araya. He handed her the plate, which had powdered sugar, strawberries, blueberries, maple syrup, and whipped cream on top of the pancakes. She looked at him, a little surprised that he put everything she loved on it. And she was also questioning how he knew that. She put the thought aside, and began eating. They tasted just the way she liked them; soft on the outside but a little crunchy in the middle. She smiled widely, letting herself emit a soft "mm." Talon smiled as well, pleased that she enjoyed them. He watched her as she ate, memorizing each move she made, as if it was her last. Or his.

A little while later, they were cuddling on the couch again, Mittens laying beside them. Araya was pretty content with her life the way it was. She didn't care if she couldn't talk, and she didn't care if she had to take painkillers three times a day just to make the pains in her neck to go away. She loved the moments where she and Talon were just quietly worshipping each other, just letting their arms wrap around each others bodies, and just laying there in each other's company. She loved him, and he loved her. She would do anything for him, and he would do anything for her.

They loved each other.

A/N: yoooo lel it's me. This is a pretty short chapter, but I haven't had much time to really update anything. Sorry! The next chapter will be extra long to make up for it. ^^ I'll see you later!

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