Chapter Fifteen

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I figured we'd all want an inside look at Talon and Araya. Here's Talon.

Talon's Point of View.

I woke up next to Araya. It was around 5:30, and her parents were still out of town. They had been for a while. I stayed with Araya for a little while longer, then I slowly got up without waking Araya. She snored softly, her curly reddish brown hair around her like a small circle of protection. Her favourite breakfast food was waffles, and her favourite fruits were strawberries and blueberries.. I thought to myself. I smiled, kissing Araya's forehead gently then walking into the kitchen.

I looked through the pantry and found some pancake mix and then I found the waffle maker thingy. I mixed the mix together with the other ingredients, then turned the waffle thingy on and poured the mix into there. While it was cooking, I looked in the fridge and found some strawberries and blueberries. I cleaned those off, and then I got the syrup out, and I found some powdered sugar. Once the waffles were done, I put them on a plate, put the syrup on top, decorated with the fruits, then added a small sprinkle of powdered sugar. I smiled in satisfaction. I went back to Araya's bedroom, and she was just waking up.

"Hey, sweetheart," I called to her softly. She opened her eyes, looking at me. She stretched, rubbing her eyes. "Hey, baby.." She replied. "I made you some breakfast." I told her. She got up, walking to me. "I do hope you'll like it," I told myself, but loud enough so she could hear as well.

She followed me into the kitchen, where the plate of waffles lied. A fork and butter knife laid on either side of the plate, and a small vase was in the center of the table with a pink and white rose from the rose bush outside in it. She gawked at the table, then looked at me. "Did you do all of this?" She asked. I nodded. I slowly wrapped my arm around her waist, as to not alarm her. I smiled at her, and she couldn't help but smile as well. I put one of the hands that were on her waist on her cheek gently, leaning close to her. "I love you, Araya." I whispered softly. "I love you, Talon."

I kissed her, a soft but passionate kiss. Araya wrapped her arms around my neck, having to get up on her tiptoes to reach me since she was so small. So fragile, and so easily scared. I imagined her becoming confident, maybe even talking to 10,000 people or more. Maybe she'd become some sort of celebrity. Or maybe not, I thought to myself. After all, she was broken. She was getting better, but I didn't know if she could ever be fixed.

I slowly broke the kiss, and we both opened our eyes. "You better start eating before those waffles get cold." I told her, smiling. "Do you want some, baby?" She asked. I shook my head. "It's all yours. The best meal for the best girl." She smiled, wider than I have seen her smile. The truth was, I was barely eating. And I was content with it. I wasn't exactly fit, and I wanted to be skinnier; I was jealous of Araya for it. But I couldn't watch her starve herself; I helped her stop.

But who will help me?

Araya sat down at the table, and I sat next to her. She carefully cut her waffles, her face making her look concentrated on something so small. I chuckled to myself, and Araya looked at me, smiling. "Powdered sugar and fruits and syrup? You spoil me." She giggled softly. "Well, of course I do. You're my little princess, after all." Araya just sat there, smiling. She would call it 'smiling like an idiot,' but I would call it smiling like an adorable little girl.

She kept eating. I kept watching. She picked up a strawberry. I looked at it, then back at her, tilting my head. "Strawberry." I said. She moved it toward my face like my mom would when I was a child. She popped it in my mouth, and I ate the strawberry, leaving the leaf part in her hand. She giggled loudly. "I love you." Araya told me. "I love you too, kitten." I smiled.

And for once, I was pretty sure we were both genuinely happy. And I was sure it would last.


Araya and I were sitting in the living room playing on her Xbox, when I heard a soft meow. I looked around. I paused the game, getting up. Another meow. "Is that you, Araya?" I asked. She shook her head, serious. I opened the door, and there was a small cat, a black cat with white paws and ears. It sat there, looking up at me. It was tiny, and probably could fit in even Araya's small hand. I opened the door, and she-I made sure she was a she-hopped right inside. "Araya? I don't remember you getting a cat." I told her. "I don't." She replied, getting up. I pointed to the small cat on the floor. "Welp. I do now." She corrected herself.

"What do we call her?" I asked later, after we walked to the pet store and getting her a collar, leash, litter box, and food. Cats are needy as hell, I thought to myself. "I dunno, Mittens?" Araya said, more like a question than a statement. I shrugged. "Sure." I told her.

The three of us walked home, and Araya and I kept bouncing ideas off of each other. We decided to keep it as Mittens. Once we got home, Araya and I sat on the couch, Araya leaning on me. Mittens found her way up, curling up in Araya's lap. Araya smiled, then closed her eyes. "What's wrong?" I asked. "I'm exhausted." She responded. "Already? You've only been up a few hours." I told her. "I know..I get tired easily." She explained. I lightly pet her hair. "Get your rest, kitten." As soon as I said kitten, Mitten's ears perked up. "Both of you kittens." I smiled. Araya and Mittens both fell asleep.

A/N woo! Long chapter with character development! My favourite chapters. I hope you enjoyed, and the next chapter may or may not be angsty and in Araya's POV. Huehuehue..but bye for now!

Beware Her Broken HeartDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora