Chapter Twenty Six

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July 3rd.

Araya and Talon sat inside, listening to the loud bangs outside. When there would be a pause then another firework, Araya would squeal or jump. Talon would chuckle at her, only because she was so cute.

Around midnight, Talon was getting tired. But Araya had a little plan of her own.

Araya walked outside, without Talon noticing. She quickly made her way to the cable box, switching all the switches to turn all power off. As soon as she was sure she did it, she ran back inside through the back door. "Araya?" Talon called. "I-I'm here.." she answered, walking back to the living room where Talon was searching for his flashlight. "Someone might be in the house.." he mumbled to her. "N-no..! H-how?" Araya stuttered. "I don't know." Talon replied. He found his flashlight, then turned it on. "W-we should go outside in case someone is in here.." Araya told him quietly. Talon nodded. The two made their way to the door, Araya clinging onto his hoodie. They walked outside, looking around, then up at the sky as a few fireworks went off. Araya smiled, her plan worked.

Talon looked down at her. "Why are you smiling?" Talon asked. "Because I just wanted t-" she was cut off by a loud Bang.

The bang of a gun.

Talon fell to the ground, blood slowly covering his jacket. The bullet only hit his shoulder, nothing vital, Araya realized as she got down on her knees, holding him closely. Her eyes filled with tears, and she quickly grabbed her phone.

"911, what's your emergency?" "M-my boyfriend was just shot!" "Okay, ma'am, what's your location?"

Araya quickly ran through her location and such, but was cut off while she was explaining what had happened when another loud Bang went off, and she felt a bullet run through her shoulder. She passed out from the shock.


Araya's Point of View.

The next day.

I slowly woke up, being blinded as soon as I opened my eyes from the light and whiteness of the room. I was in a hospital bed, with my shoulder completely bandaged. "What.. Happened last night?" I mumbled to myself. I sat up, and since the only IV attached to me was the thing on my finger for my heartbeat or something, I took it off. I slowly walked into the bathroom, closing the door behind me. I moved in front of the mirror, looking at myself. My hair was thrashed, and my face had mud all over it. "They could at least clean my face off.." I said.

I felt pain in my shoulder, and took my hand and held it. My hand became damp, and when I pulled my hand away, it was covered in blood. I must've opened the wound while I was asleep.

I walked out, and that one nurse was there. The purple haired one. What was her name..

"Hello, Araya. I see you're awake. Do you feel any pain at all?" she asked. I nodded slightly. "Just a little, not that bad." I told her. "Alright, that's good. The good thing is that the bullet went right through you, so we didn't have to pull anything out that could have infected you. Could you bend your arm for me?" she questioned. I raised my right arm, then bent it, hissing in pain because it stung my whole arm. I quickly straightened it back out, looking at it then back at her. I noticed the little name tag on her outfit. Kona. I submitted the name to my memory. "You alright?" she asked. I shook my head. "It stings.." I mumbled, then looked around the room. "Where's Talon?" I asked. "Well, afte-" "Take me to him." I cut her off. "Araya, we have to take care of you fi-" "I said take me to him!" I yelled, startling even myself. She nodded, walking past me and out the door, me following.

We made it to Talon's room after a moment. He was passed out, his shoulder bandaged as well. I walked over beside him. I felt tears fill my eyes, looking down at the wounded boy. "I'm so sorry.." I whispered, sitting in the chair beside the bed. "I never wanted this to happen.." I said, looking down. I looked up, then ran my working hand through his hair gently. I stood up, then kissed his forehead. "I love you." I whispered.

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