Chapter Eight

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It was a few weeks later. Araya's wrist was almost healed fully, as with her heart. Even with the petty comments she received, none of it mattered, because now she had Talon. Talon, the amazing boyfriend who told her everything was going to be alright. Talon, who told her that none of the things anyone said that were negative weren't true and that they were just jealous. Talon, who helped her through every anxiety attack. Talon. Talon Knight Shaffer.

Her Talon Knight.

Talon Not.

Oh no. The thoughts were back. She was staring at the ceiling in the dark. It started out as Araya holding a pillow Talon got her that said "I love you Kitten" on the front, daydreaming, and then the thoughts came.

He doesn't love you.
He does!
He's just using you, you ignorant bitch!
Yes! Why are you so blind to it!?
Because it's not true!

She didn't go to sleep peacefully that night. She cried herself to sleep, and she had nightmares.

Araya was trapped in darkness. "Hello?" She called out, her voice a faint whisper. "Hello?" She called again, louder, after no response. "Araya, welcome home." Said a familiar voice. Male sounding. It was so familiar, she could have heard it everyday. But..who was it?

Suddenly, the lights came on. She saw that she was locked in a cage. Talon was sitting on a throne, and he had his knees crossed. "Talon? Wh-what's going on?" Araya asked. "Oh, darling, don't worry about it." Talon responded in a sensual tone. Talon stared at her. "Wh-why am I here? Why am I locked up?" She asked. "You've always been so curious. Don't you know, kitten? Curiosity killed the cat." He got up, the cage unlocking with the snap of his fingers. Araya stepped out.

Talon welcomed her freedom with a warm embrace. "Talon, I-" "And we don't want this kitten to die, now do we?" He asked, a little bit of anger in his voice. Araya didn't answer; she was too afraid to. "Do we?!" He yelled. Araya shook her head. She felt tears in her eyes. She tried to hide them. "Oh, baby, are you gonna cry?" Talon asked, genuinely worried now. She shook her head, but she knew otherwise.

She stepped away from him. She wanted to go back into the cage, where she was at least safe. Talon stepped forward with her, though, and she eventually hit a wall. "Kitten, don't you love me?" Talon asked. "I-I do!" Araya stuttered. "Then let me kiss you, damn it!" He yelled. This time, she broke. She slid down the wall, sobbing.

She woke up, her hair a complete mess, sweating, tears streaming down her face. Her wrist hurt, more than usual. She didn't take her medication before she went to sleep. She put a hand to her head, which ached from the nightmare. She was wrapped in her blankets. She eventually got herself out, and got up to get a drink of water. As she walked to the kitchen, she saw her mom in the living room. She went back to her room. It wasn't worth it. She curled up in her little ball of insignificance. She would get her phone and listen to Twenty Øne Piløts, but she didn't. She sat there, in silence.

Did ya like that nightmare?
No! Talon wouldn't ever do that to me!
I beg to differ.
I'll show you!
He'll leave you before you show me anything. I AM YOU.

She was crying again. She started to delve deep into her thoughts, blocking out the actually harming thoughts.

Everyone goes through this. Not as bad as me, but everyone battles fear. They all have their own thoughts. How? How are we able to live on this earth, why do we need food and water?

Oh no.

Why do we exist? Why don't we all die off? How do we not? Oh, god..

Araya eventually fell back asleep, waking up at her alarm. "Mm.." She groaned. She didn't feel rested at all. She put on a shirt, worn out jeans, and her hoodie, then grabbed her backpack and walked to the bus stop rapping along with Twenty Øne Piløts' song Car Radio.

When she got to school, Talon was waiting for her at the band room. Mrs. Bose wasn't there yet, so the room was locked. "Hey sweetie." Talon greeted. Araya didn't answer, just looked at him.

"Hey, you alright?" He asked. She nodded.

No. Please help me.

She smiled. "I'm fine, baby." Talon smiled back. "Alright, kitten." He responded. Can't you see I'm smiling but I'm dying?! Help me! Her mind cried. Please!! "Uh, Talon, can we talk? We're not breaking up or anything, I just.." her voice trailed off. "What is it, baby? You can talk to me about anything." He comforted her by wrapping his arm around her. "I..well..couldn't help myself last night.." She looked down, embarrassed, disappointed, and ashamed of herself. "Did you..cut?" Talon whispered. Araya nodded, avoiding his eyes.

Talon sighed quietly. "Araya..why?" He asked. "Well, I-I had a nightmare, and the thoughts came, a-and..I-I..I'm sorry!" She cried. She fell into him, grabbing onto his shirt. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry.." She told him quietly. "Shh,'s okay.." He told her comfortingly.

She calmed herself down just as Mrs. Bose walked down the hall. They were the only two students there. "Hey, kiddos." She greeted, unlocking the door and letting the two inside. Talon put his clarinet together, and Araya put her flute together.

Araya started playing a song that she'd memorized to warm up, This Is Gospel by Panic! At The Disco. Talon joined in after she started. After they finished, they stared at each other. "You like Panic too!?" They both squealed simultaneously. Then they smiled widely. "I love you." They told each other in unison.

Talon could help her through this process of getting out of depression and anxiety and cutting..


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