Chapter Twenty Three

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I gripped the knife, standing over the four men who tried putting up a fight, but eventually died. Two had their throats slit, and the other two were stabbed repeatedly. I smiled, covered in warm blood and sweat. My friends, or who were once friends, stared at me in horror. I smiled at them all.

"You're going to help me destroy these bodies, or you're all going to die just like they did." I told them. They all nodded or mumbled "yes," and they worked together to take them to the end of the muddy alley, and buried the four under my supervision. I chuckled softly, watching them. There was a hose nearby, which I noticed beforehand.

I threw the knife into the grave of the last one to be buried, in his hands. I watched as he was covered with the dirt. I smiled. "If anyone, I repeat, anyone tells anyone else about this, I will kill you all. Understand?!" I screamed at the kids. They all nodded. They slowly walked out of the alley, unable to forget what had just happened.

I walked over to the hose, washing my hands and arms clean. I washed my clothes off as well, then turned it off and walked back to the hospital. It was now night, probably about 10 or 11. I looked at the stars, trying to find my sanity. Did I really just kill four people?

They hurt her. They deserved it.

So I made a vow to myself.

If anyone hurts my little baby girl...

They will die.


When I made my way back to Araya's room, I found her still laying on the bed, asleep, and quiet. The nurse stood right by her side, watching her vital signs. "Hey." I greeted. The nurse's head whipped toward me. "Oh, hello, Talon. That was a long walk." She told me. "I know. I didn't think I'd be so long, but I needed some time to clear my head." I said, smiling fakely. She smiled back, not seeing the broken smile that I felt. "I'll leave you two alone for the night, besides checking on you every once in a while." Did nurses ever sleep? I had no clue. "Alright." I replied. The nurse walked out, leaving the room silent besides my own heartbeat in my ears and Araya's heartbeat on the monitor.

A/N: after three beats- thIS IS GOSPEL- okay no

I sat down in the chair next to her bed. I stared down at the fragile little girl who was hurt by those guys. I lowly growled, thinking of the four. I looked down at my arm, which had bruises and little cuts on it from them fighting back.

They're dead now. No need to worry about them now.

I was startled from my thoughts by a soft groan. I looked at Araya, who's eyes had opened. "Araya?!" I cried out, standing up and putting a hand on her cheek. She blinked, her eyes unable to focus.


She had been wearing contacts, but the nurses had taken them out. I remembered grabbing the pair of glasses on her nightstand before getting in the ambulance. I grabbed them off of the counter on the other side of the room. I walked over to her, and put them on her face carefully. She looked at me, silent.


She couldn't talk.

I grabbed her little notebook and a pen, setting them on the table in front of her. I moved the mattress with the remote so she could sit up without having to put any effort into it. She took the pen into her hand, writing so sloppily that I could barely read it.

"I'm so sorry baby I love you I didn't mean to but they made me"


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