Chapter Fourteen

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Araya had been the happiest Talon had ever saw her. She still had some bandages she wouldn't take off and those stitches, but she was happy. Hopefully that would ward off the cutting for a while. Her thoughts were still there, but haven't been tormenting her. And she still had her off days. She still wouldn't talk to mostly everyone except for Talon, teachers, her new tharapist, and her parents.

And she still told nobody of the "incident."

Until one day, when she was talking to Talon. It was one of her bad "off" days. They were at Araya's house.

"Talon, how do you break something really bad to the one you love the most without hurting them or yourself?" Araya suddenly asked out of the blue. Talon looked at her. "I just gather up my courage and tell them." Talon shrugged. Araya took a deep breath. ", something happened a while ago." Araya started. "Was it bad?" Talon asked. Araya nodded.

"Talon..I was on the way home, and I stopped at the store really quick..and I was passing that dark alley where that gang hangs out, and..." Araya trailed off. Talon rose an eyebrow. "Did they say things to you?" Talon asked. Araya nodded quickly. "And they pulled me into the alley, and they...r-ra.." Araya couldn't finish. Tears filled her eyes, and her voice cracked. "They raped you?" Talon asked. Araya nodded slowly this time.

Fury boiled inside him. They hurt her, the one thing that Talon loved the most. They hurt her so much, and he wouldn't stand for that. He had sworn to protect her.

Then he realized it- that was why she was cutting. That was why she was starving herself. That was why she went mute. When she attempted suicide, was it truly Talon's fault? Or was it the guys who hurt her? Could she be..pregnant?.. Or, more importantly, did they push her to hurt herself? Was it their fault?

Talon stood up. "Talon, please.." Araya whimpered. He clenched his fists. "How badly did they hurt you?" Talon asked, trying to be calm for her, but failing. Araya looked down. "You don't stand a chance against them by yourself.." Araya muttered. "That's why I'm going to have backup." Araya's head shot up, then she shook her head quickly. "No, please!" She begged. "Why not?" Talon asked, getting a little mad. "I can't face them again.." She whispered, Talon unable to hear. "What?" He asked. "I can't face them again." She told him, louder.

Talon had a moment of clarity. He realized that she was broken, and he was yelling at her. She had been hurt and her innocence had been diminished, and he was blaming her. She was crying, and he was only making it worse.

He sat down next to her, wrapping his arms around her. He kissed the top of her head. "Look, baby..I won't do anything, okay? And I'll help you get over this." After a moment, he realized she was tensed up at his touch. He withdrew his hands. "N-no, I-I should be over it by now-" She started, but was cut off. "Araya, something so serious like this can't just be shrugged off. You can't get over it in a mere few weeks, you need time." Talon explained, to both her and himself. Araya took his hands, wrapping them around her again. She felt safe. She took in and cherished his warmth, his scent-watermelons-and just him in general. He was so kind, soft, and had a big heart. And she loved him.

She would get over her depression, for good, she told herself. She smiled through the tears.


That Friday, Talon and Araya were in science, working on the project the class was doing together. Everyone else was yelling and screaming, while the two were quietly muttering to each other. "Why can't you guys be like Talon and Araya?" Mrs. Fly asked the class loudly. The two's heads shot up simultaneously. "What?" They both asked. The class went quiet, turning and looking at the two. "Those two are always working hard, barely talk out of turn, and always pay attention. And they don't scream, Makenzie." The teacher told the class. Araya started shaking, afraid because of everyone looking at her. She forced a smile. "Thank you." Talon said.

After school was over, the two were on the bus. Araya held herself close to Talon. "I love you.." She told her. The whole bus quieted down. "Did she just talk?" One kid asked.
"I think she did." Another said.
"Why did she stop?"
"No one knows."
"What is wrong with her?"

Araya was bombarded with questions that she would've been able to answer sarcastically on any other normal day. Talon quieted them all, though. "Everyone, shut the hell up. She has a life just as you do, except worse. Now go back to what you were doing before she was talking to me." He hissed, and everyone did as he said; went back to what they were doing.

They got home. The silence filled Araya's ears, making them ring, but she felt relief nonetheless. She dropped her bag on the floor, as did Talon. They walked up to Araya's room.

Araya plopped down onto the bed. She curled up in her fluffy Supernatural blanket, almost immediately dozing off. Talon kept her awake for a moment longer though, because he grabbed his Pokémon blanket, curled up in it, and wrapped his arms around her. They both fell asleep smiling.

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