Chapter Twenty one (pilots)

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Talon's POV

It was a few days after I started listening to my anorexia. It was Friday that week, and Araya and I were walking home together. We were talking, just the normal. But at dinner, that's when she started getting suspicious.

"Talon, I'm making spaghetti for dinner. How much do you want?" She asked, walking into the kitchen. "None." I told her as I played with Mittens. "Are you sure? You haven't eaten much lately. Are you okay?" She asked, walking to me. "Araya, I'm fine." "Talon, you're pale..You're eating." She said sternly. "Araya-" She put a finger over my mouth. She wasn't taking no for an answer. I sighed.

Araya walked back into the kitchen.

After dinner, we were in her room, reading books together. I kept almost passing out. "Talon, are you sure you're okay?" She asked, closing the Percy Jackson book we were reading. "I'm fine, Araya." I lied. Please help me, I can't stop it. I told her internally, hoping she would hear. She didn't.

I lost control of my mouth.

"I'm sorry." I said suddenly. "For what?" She asked. "For making myself throw up." She stared at me, shocked. "You..what?" She asked quietly, trying to stay calm. I finally gained control. "What did I say?" I asked. "You've been making yourself throw up?" She questioned, her voice cracking with concern, sadness, and betrayal. "What? No..No." I lied. Her eyes seemed to glow, and they showed only pain. "Talon, please don't lie to me." She said. "I'm not." I defended myself.

She shook her head and stood up. "Where are you going?" I asked. "To the bathroom." She flashed a fake smile at me, then walked into the bathroom, locking the door.

I waited ten, fifteen, then twenty minutes. I stood up, walking to the door. I knocked softly. "Araya?"I called. No answer. No sound at all, for that matter. I knocked harder. "Araya?" I called out again, louder. No. I thought. I started banging my fist on the door. "Araya?!" I yelled. Nothing. "Araya, open this door right now!" I screamed.


I looked around, then ran into the bedroom, grabbing a paper clip and somehow managing to open the door by lockpicking. I opened the door slowly, to find-

-Araya laying on the floor, covered in cuts. On her stomach, on her wrists, on her legs, on her neck.. I looked at the wall, the words "I'M SORRY" written in sharpie. "No. No no no, no!" I screamed, fighting the tears that were bound to come. I ran to her body, holding her close to me.

I cried hysterically for what seemed like days, until Araya coughed. All that came out was blood, but she was alive. "Araya!" I said, grabbing some paper towel and putting it on her neck. She slowly woke up, looking at me. She couldn't speak because the cuts were so deep. She smiled weakly, then grabbed the open sharpie on the floor. "What is it?" I asked through choked sobs. She took my hand, writing "911" on the palm. "A-..alright! Everything will be okay!" I ran out of the bathroom, grabbing my phone and managing to choke out what was going on to the police advisor lady.

Soon enough, Araya was in the ambulance again, bandaged. She looked at me. "Araya, you can do it." I muttered. She smiled weakly again, closing her eyes. "Araya, stay with me!" I yelled. The paramedic hushed me, and I stared at her barely living body.

I had lost her again.

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