Chapter Twenty Eight.

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A few weeks later, the couple had gotten their hair dyed. Araya had hers a cinnamon colour, and Talon got the top of his hair dyed blue. They also moved into Talon's parent's house, after notifying the landlord of Araya's old house to at least give them a fraction of the money for the house after he sells it, since they were only kids and needed it.

Araya had to share a room with Talon, since there were only two bedrooms. But, they also had a basement, in which Talon had a hidden surprise for Araya, just for her birthday. He knew he was going to enjoy it, but wasn't quite sure if it would please the young girl.

So, when August 16th came around, Talon was nervous.

Araya woke up to a plate of pancakes and a blue haired boy in front of her, shaking her gently. "Happy Birthday, sweetheart!" Talon announced to the sleepy brunette. Araya sat up slowly. "What's all this?" she asked, her voice raspy. "A celebration. Go on, dig in." Talon said, excitedly, hiding his nerves. Araya started eating the pancakes, and complimented his delicious cooking.

Afterwards, Talon gave her two boxes, both small. He gave the bigger of the two to her first, it being a golden necklace with her name on it. "Oh, baby, thank you!" she thanked, immediately pulling it on. Talon smiled. "Anything, sweetie. Now.." he got on one knee, holding the box out, then opened it, revealing a golden ring with a purple heart in the middle. "Will you make me the happiest man alive.. And take this promise ring, to promise we will get married on your eighteenth birthday?" Talon asked, knowing he had put all of his hopes and heart out on a tightrope, and was terrified of her answer.

Araya teared up, and nodded quickly. "Yes, yes, of course, baby!" she squealed, letting the boy slide the ring onto her finger happily. Talon stood up and kissed her, so passionately Araya was taken aback. He wrapped his arms around her waist, and she returned the favour by wrapping her arms around his neck, having to stand on her toes to do so.

Talon pulled away first, then leaned close to her ear and whispered, "I have something to show you in the basement." Araya was immediately hyped up, and followed Talon down the stairs into the cold, stone area below the house.

Araya heard quiet, muffled screaming, and was immediately frightened. She headed towards the noise, following close behind Talon. "Now, you might be a little scared, but just embrace it, baby girl." he told her, then flicked the lights on, revealing Alyssa, strapped to a large, metal table, gagged. Araya stared at her friend, who had some bruises on her face and a black eye. "Why the hell is she-" Araya started, but was cut off by Talon putting a finger to her mouth and handing her a large kitchen knife. "Baby girl, you know she's been lying to you about everything, right?" he asked. Araya looked at him, truly confused.

"She wasn't really interested in you, she was interested in what she could get from you." Araya found herself in a state of shock, and Talon went on. "She helped your parents get away. She told Chelsea all those horrible things about you." Araya slowly took the knife from the tall boy. "And worst of all.. She hurt me."

That especially infuriated the small girl, who gripped the handle of the knife, while the sane part of her yelled at her to drop it. But the part of her that would do anything for the blue haired boy beside her screamed for her to torture the girl. Her mind fought, and the yandere part of her finally won. She ran towards the golden haired girl, letting the knife slice down her exposed and small stomach, making the child scream in pain. Araya repeated this, torturing the girl who supposedly hurt her sweetheart, her lover, her life. She smiled and laughed as Alyssa screamed, cried out for her to stop.

Any sane part of Araya slowly faded away, her sanity slowly decreasing.

She watched as the girl who was once her best friend fell limp at her hands. She swiftly slid the knife across her throat, denying her any more life. Araya laughed, and Talon smiled at her work.

"Good girl.. You deserve a treat, kitten." Talon said. Araya's eyes lit up, and felt a little sweetness still in her heart, only stirred by that voice. She turned to Talon, smiling, blood coating her clothes, hands, and face, Talon completely clean.

"Well, first let's get you all cleaned up. And then we'll get you your favourite ice cream." Talon proposed. "Okay!" Araya happily chirped.

After a long shower, clothing change and scrubbing of that knife, the crazed couple headed out, first dumping Alyssa's corpse in the river and burying her there, and then to The Scoop, the nearest ice cream place.

Araya got her favourite ice cream; strawberry cheesecake with gummy bears on top. Talon got a Snickers shake, and they ate it on the way back home. Talon kept the small girl close, making sure nothing harmed her, and Araya did the same. Talon had taken two types of innocence from her, now; and he didn't really notice. He was too deep in love. And Araya didn't really care, either. As long as she was with him, she didn't care about anything else.

They didn't realize they were crazy, though. And, frankly, they wouldn't have cared even if they did.

They were in a deep, crazy, psycho love.

So, I think that's this book done.
Keep in mind these are real people just fictional things I'm not crazy I swear
But, if you liked this book, keep an eye out for a sequel which will be coming soon once I get a few of my other books up and going.
You should definitely check my other ones out c;
But, yeah.
Adios, my amigos.

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