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*You decide to continue.

*You hear a voice.
*You recognize it as his voice.
*It's low, in sound, and in spirit.

"What did you expect to find here?"
He says.
"You're practically a god and yet, you chose to let me suffer. Perhaps you don't like me."
He laughs,
"Perhaps you don't understand..."
"It doesn't matter."
"I know what you are."
"You're the player. You... Reader... Is it? Insert yourself into the story, and yet seem to believe there are no consequences."
"I beg to differ."
He glares towards... You.
"Don't you think... That someone with your kind of power... Should do the right thing?"
He laughs, "But I suppose you have. Letting the others be happy."
"So... Why do I feel....the... vibration... of your guilt...?"
He looks toward you.
"Perhaps it's because you know something I don't...? ...You say it's not your fault. That someone's putting me in misery. An author?"
"You think I don't know that? Of course I know. I've always known. You're the one... Who can fix it, now. And yet you let... Her carry on... And torment me?"
He growls, "Some sick humor you've got."
*...What's this?
*You feel something.
*You wonder what it is.
*You realize.
*You feel your sins crawling on your back.
He laughs, at you.
"Stupid. That's what we are, you and I. I for trusting you to know better, and You for letting me down."
He rolls his eyes.
"Not like you care."
"To you I'm imaginary. But this is my world. My life. You can't make these decisions as if I'm your plaything."
"If you'd done your research you'd know about Hard Resets, and soft resets, Hard Resets destroy all data but that of, say, memories, inner core data. Carmine. And soft resets, like... You've got something called a Genocide Route, in your... World... And at the end... Well. Let's just say, you might wanna backup your game, because... That deal you made ain't goin' away. It resets only the landscape and the inward characters." He chuckles,
"You're letting my friends... My... Brothers stay dead. The girl. The embodiment of yourself, stay with a bloody hole ripping through her corpse. Thousands have died. Millions, even. Why continue? Just give up. I did."
"So what'll it be?
You won't Reset?"
"Why do you want me to suffer?" His voice is quiet.

"Did I make you unhappy?"
"Did I do something wrong?"
"Then... Why?"
"Why would you..."
"Whatever. You want to see what you've brought me to? Fine."
"You won't like it."

I walk forward.
I don't want to.
I wan't to stop.
Or go back.
I don't want to continue.
I don't mind facing the coldness of the prison cell.
I don't mind the silence anymore.
I don't mind the hateful glances.
Or the punches.
Or the bruises.
Or the fights.
I don't...
Like having to know that I've killed someone who I cared about.
I don't like living with the fact I still haven't learned how to close myself off.
I don't like living as a shadow of someone great.
I touch the cracks in my skull.
I don't like living.
Not because I'm unhappy...
No... I should be happy.
For a prisoner.
Not just a prisoner of my mind, but..
I've done some terrible things.
I have to pay for what I've done.
"What?" He asks.
"Maybe you didn't realize I'd be in prison."
"No. In the real world, ending a war doesn't mean you don't have to pay for what you did in it."
"This isn't hollywood. Grow up."
Papyrus comes to visit.
I'm sitting the back of my cell, clawing away at the rock wall with a small bone. I could break out if I wanted.
I need to rot for what I've done.
The blood on my hands won't come clean.
Bleach... Would fit my purposes.
I wouldn't let myself.
I couldn't.
Papyrus- I barely notice him.
He's staring.
Undyne, too, is staring.
I get up, putting a glistening grin on my face.
"Heya." I say, sharply.
Undyne tries to be nice, "Hey. I see they finally put a gate around the bone zone."
I laugh.
Not really.
"Guess ya could say that."
Papyrus looks at me.
"Brother.. I'm... Head of the royal guard now... Since.. All we really do is water flowers..."
"That's great, Paps."
I smile.
"How 'bout you, Undyne?"
"I'm a Lt. Commander in Asgore's Navy. It's a pretty sweet gig."
I smile, and reach my hand out between the bars.
"Papyrus... Gimme a hug."
He looks at me strangely.
"You're- Sans I can't-"
"With your hand." I say softly.
He wraps his thumb around my hand and I wrap mine around his.
"You okay... Sans?" Undyne asks.
I realize I've dropped my smile.
"Tired. That's all." I say, briskly, I release Papyrus' hand, and sit down on the bed.
They have me in the darkest, saddest corner of the 'solitary confinement' area.
It's solitary cause there's only a few other prisoners in the entire building.
They all hate me.
I don't mind.
"Well... Don't worry, Sans! You'll... You'll be out soon.. and.. I'll make you.. We will make you.. The greatest spaghetti you've ever had! Right, Undyne?"
She nods, bleakly.
I feel like fainting, sickened.
"Sans?" Papyrus asks, a bright smile to his face, "how long are you in for?"
I don't want to tell him.
I can't....
...but... I have to...
"..fe" I murmur.
"What?" He asks.
I don't want to say it again...
"Undyne.. Please... Don't make me say it again." I whisper, and put my head in my hands.
I feel... Broken.
I can't bare to see the look on his face, when he finds out.. I'm not...
"Life." She says, softly.
...coming home.
Papyrus' smile falls.
"Oh.. W-well... I... S-sorry.. Sans..." He whispers.
"C'mon Pap." Undyne says softly.
I bite down, clenching my teeth together, so I won't cry.
"This is where it ends. Metal. Cold, shadowy metal. A cage. Another cage. Where my life begins and ends. Once in lab.. Now?
A real cage."
"You're.. Sorry? Sure. Real sorry, arentcha. You can just, click away and.. Your problems dissapear... Don't they? Mine... Don't. The only... Way.. Is... To reset and.. You don't seem to like that idea. Do you?" He glares toward you.

Reset Or Continue
It's still... Your choice.

(I drew the thing^)(A 'Reset' is in progress

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(I drew the thing^)
(A 'Reset' is in progress....)

Try me, Bones. (Gaster!Sans X Reader) Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now