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Okay so I wanted to talk about some important stuff realllly quick:

First of all, This book is probably going to update regularly once a week, more if I've got an idea.

But, I'm going to be working a lot on my original story "Colors" (It's about supernatural creatures that go through this 'chameleon stage' where their hair (most of the time) and respectively: wings (angels) or horns (demons) or hood (reapers) changes color depending on how powerful they are. Like, for Reapers (the most powerful creatures) their strongest color is black. For demons it's purple, and for angels it's pearl white (unless they turn into an archangel in which the colors are either navy blue or grey) Creatures start out with a random color, and then turn into a different color. Like the main character is a demon and she starts out blue. and there's some other stuff but spoilers)

And, so that's happening.

And my schedule from now on will consist of one major story I'll be working on regularly  (ex. this one) and then occasionally another less popular or less chaotic story, or one that's not currently published such as Colors.



I woke up to a loud thud against the wall, the side of G's bedroom that met the side of the main room the couch was leaned against.

I jolted forward on the couch, and shifted my tank-top and shorts, tiredly opening the door to his room, raising my hand to my eye to wake myself up, and then stretching out my back with a yawn.

I opened the door, and walked forward, slipping on the dusty concrete. I caught myself on the side of the wall, and looked down at the ground, seeing nothing but darkness. I lifted my foot, and ran a finger along the edge, feeling an almost sticky texture to the muck.

"...What did you spill?" I breathed, and whipped my finger on the side of my shorts, "yuck."

I looked over at G, seeing a figure, which  I assumed was a nurse, several messy locks of my hair hanging in front of my face.

"...How is he?" I asked.

"Shhh..." the nurse replied, quietly.

"Whatever." I muttered, and retreated from the room, fetching a rag and whipping up some of the spill.

I flicked on a light in the bathroom, to see if it was soda, like i assumed.

The water draining into the sink was red, and I looked at my feet, slick with blood.

"...What the fuck?" I muttered, and skidded back into the room.

The figure, I realized, wasn't a nurse.

Reset froze, and then swung the knife he'd been holding in frustration, "Wrong place, wrong time, Chilli P.."

He shrugged, and G continued staring at the ceiling, like he didn't understand what was going on, or perhaps..

I looked again at the ground, and flicked on the lights, seeing blood pooling from G's arms, and a long gash along his ribs.

"...What- What are you doing? Reset I thought you-"

"You thought I was your friend?" 

He glided toward me, feet exhaling with a purple fire as he stepped.

"You thought I was helping you, maybe?"

He smiled, and reached around me, slamming the door against my back, jerking my head forward with a painful smack. 

Try me, Bones. (Gaster!Sans X Reader) Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now