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-Dark themes.

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okay, so this book is so popular, it seems now! I'm so incredibly happy! I love Undertale, so SO much! And you guys...

Let's listen here a moment, cause this is important, it's a thank you, and then something about comments, okay?

Alright, so:

Thank you for supporting me, whether it's in this story, in my personal life, or with The Chameleon Stage (Colors) you guys are so, so supportive of everything! Whether it's the stupid, hard-to-understand storyline (EXPLAINED IN THIS CHAPTER HELL YES) or the weird, and sometimes inconsistent characters, so far, you have stuck with me, and I love you so much. Thank you.

ALSO, if you are giving me HONEST feedback or are answering a question I posed in a chapter, I'd appreciate it if you TAGGED me (@Silverhaunter) Don't tag me for a little comment on a part, I see all comments, and I've tried to respond to all of them, but it's getting a bit chaotic so that's that.

And continuing in the realm of comments, whoop-die-do, I have no idea what you're referencing over half of the time, because I am on a P.C.  I don't use the app, so I can't see what you're commenting on, as in, specific paragraphs, so if you wouldn't mind putting a quote in there or something, I'd appreciate it so much!... but you don't have to.... I mean.. if you want me to respond.... hehe..

Anyway.. Thank you guys, so much. And...


This chapter kinda.. sorta... it's weird, and by weird I mean, it goes through flash-backs and it starts off suddenly and shit, and-

Just... yea.

Also, I'M CHANGING HARUKA'S NAME WHAT SHOULD IT BE? I'm thinking of letting you guys pick the name for the badass shark-woman (I love her so much) remember her last name is (Hell i dont know) 

She's gonna be a pretty-much main character from now on. I needed someone reliable to add to the story NOT THAT YOU'RE NOT RELIABLE IT'S JUST THAT She's gonna be in Colors, too, and I just thought she was cool, she's cool right, 

did I say that I meant I may end the book here


DO YOU GUYS LIKE HARUKA? (Again we're gonna change her name) But, do you guys like her?

No, I'm not killing her off, The killing characters off thing isn't gonna be so profound, it's not gonna be a main part of the story anymore (from what I have planned out).

 because it might end here

But yea, anyways.

I thought she was cool.

She's like.. Undyne... a lot.. like Undyne... HOW DID I NOT NOTICE THIS?!

ALSO, I recently realized how much I really like Undyne, so if you notice her becoming more important, that's probably why...

so, yep.

ALSO, I really want to do a chapter in Haruka's perspective... Maybe I'll put in a piece with her in this part.. I don't know, I really don't wanna be switching character perspectives in the middle of the chapter...


ALSO, THIS CHAPTER IS A REALLY SUPER IMPORTANT ONE no spoilers I will kill any people who spoil it just so you know

Try me, Bones. (Gaster!Sans X Reader) Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now