Little Black Dress

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Rudy’s POV

            I woke up and there I was. Sleeping, in the bath tub…. How did it come to this? Oh right, my GENIUS father. This sucks! I had a good life. High school was cool. Life was easy, but now it’s all changed. Everything is flipped around and upside down. My world has collapsed and there’s nothing I can do about it. All of this is because of something that happened yesterday. Something extremely big. Last night was the worst night of my life.


Evelyn’s POV    

“No I am not going to wear that!” I grabbed the dress and shoved it into my empty trash bin. “This is where it belongs, not on me.”

“Oh stop being so dramatic and put the dang dress on.” My sister quickly rushed to the dress and laid it flat onto my bed. “At least you have a pretty one. I never got that.”

The only response I could give her was a quiet glare. She never got that. She’s right, she didn’t get a big puffy hideous dress, instead she only got her dreams and wishes. My dress is soooo much better than that. Pft, as if!

          “Do you guys really hate me that much?! Why, I am a nice girl. I do my chores and I baby sit for you. I help with the cooking and the cleaning. What more do you guys want? I know! I can offer to do your house for a year - anything and everything. I can be your maid! Oh ya, so a maid. I love that idea. Come on, it’s a small price to pay - just help me not go through with this.” My eyes met hers. Puddles of tears were waiting to burst out. The saying ‘cry me a river’ didn’t seem impossible to me right now.

          “No.” she turned around and brought out her makeup kit. “Now, go put the dress on or I will put it on for you!”

          With that she slammed the door and left. Annoyed I ripped off my clothes and settled into the big white dress. This wasn’t the first time I was getting my way; I mean my life was all a big play for them. Graduating early was the stupidest order I ever followed from them. If I would have known their plan I would have never done as they said.

          Getting off of my bed I glance in the mirror. The dress was pretty and fit me rather well. The strapless tight top matched well with the bottom waist puffiness that followed.  I twirled around and admired myself in the mirror. Sitting down on my bed with a sigh I looked up at the clock. It read 6:47 pm. I knew I was late. I was supposed to be ready by 5 but so much for that plan. My sister barged in and found me waiting on my bed.

          “Why didn’t you tell me you were done!” she shouted. I looked up at her. She was pretty. Her long brown wavy hair was perfect along her creamy white complexion and tall/skinny body. Her nails were manicured and painted a hot pink to match her dress that flowed down to her feet. Her big green eyes completed the look.

          “Well, you’re the one who left me! Stop blaming everything on me!” I was barely able to finish my sentence before I found myself being dragged to a chair and her work began. When she was done I looked into the mirror. I never liked the thought of some blush on my cheeks, or soft pink lipstick and this was way too far.

          “What do you think?” she asked enthusiastically.

          Looking up from the mirror I smiled. “It’s nice.” This was my sister I was talking to here. She takes things a little too personal sometimes.

          “Okay then we’re all waiting downstairs so go ahead and get yourself together here’s your finishing touch.” She handed me the veil and ran out the room. I hurried to the bathroom once she was out of ear shot. Grabbing cotton and makeup remover I took the entire gunk off. I grabbed my black eyeliner and lipstick and started applying it. The next stop was back to my room where I quickly flipped my mattress over. My closet was empty since all of my stuff had been moved but they never thought to check my bed. I tore off the big puffy dress and put on the black gothic one. Basically it seemed like a mini version of the other dress but in black and much shorter. I quickly slipped on my ripped leggings and black boots. Admiring my work in the mirror I knew I was ready.

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