Camping Trip

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Rudy’s POV

          We got our bags ready with clothes and food and packed them in the car. I looked over to Evelyn who had her soft black waves let down, brushed to the side and she wore a pair of jeans, sweater and jacket. We got into the car and drove over to Nathaniel’s house. He was in his car as well but we all get out and greeted each other.

          I give him a nod while Evelyn practically jumped into his arms. He embraced the hug and they already began a quick chat.     

          “Shall we leave now?” I asked interrupting Nathaniel’s sentence.

          “Yes lets’ go!” Evelyn said very excited she grabbed my hand and dragged me to the car. I was just happy that she was away from Nathaniel. Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea. Why did it feel like something was different about him? I shook the thoughts away from my head as I followed behind him carefully making sure not to lose sight of his car.

          We reached a camping ground and grabbed our backpacks and things to ready ourselves for the hike. I made sure to stay close to Evelyn just in case she felt tired or needed me to hold another one of her bags. When we reached a flat spot we take a break and set up our tents. One was for Evelyn and I and the other for Nathaniel. After settling our things down Evelyn jumped to me.

          “This is my first time camping ever! How cool is this?” I smiled at her energy.

          “It’s a nice view from here,” Nathaniel began, “let me show you.” He grabbed her hand and took her around the cliff. My blood boiled when he took her away from me. I could see her jump up and down and he only kept his grip on her hand. What exactly was he doing?I walked up to where they were standing and she lets go of Nathaniel’s hand.

          “Look Rudy isn’t it so pretty?”

          “It is, and I get to share the view with you.” I put my arms around her waist and pulled her closer to me. Two can play at this game. She smiled but continues being hyper trying to take in the full scene at once.

          “The outdoors is so pretty. I know you don’t do much when you camp but it’s still nice to be away from everything.” She breathed in the smell of pine and her face lights up. “Why can’t our house smell like this?”

          I took her hand her hand, “why don’t we go on a walk?”

          “Yes lets’ go!” we started to walk when Nathaniel stopped us.

          “I would love to go on a walk.” He said. Evelyn laughed and let go of my hand. We walked with Evelyn in the middle. Nathaniel and Evelyn talked up a storm, while I added some minor comments here and there. The best part of the walk was when it got dark and we had to find our way back to the camp.

          We made our food and ate but kept the fire burning. Taking out marshmallows and graham crackers for smores and we began our desert making. I sat by Evelyn and Nathaniel picked the seat across from us. We got our hands very sticky and had lots of fun telling ghost stories. Nathaniel and I finally seemed to be getting along again and I believed that everything was back to normal.

          It got late so I decided that it was time I head to bed. Evelyn agreed and I helped her off the ground.

          “Wait here take this.” Nathaniel pulled out a flower from behind him that looked perfect. “I found it while getting the wood for the fire and it smelled of pine. You could sleep with it and remember me all night.”

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