First Day Of College

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Evelyn’s POV

          Classes today were actually really fun. I missed school so much I didn’t realize how much I was so in love with the feeling of sitting down and listening to some boring teacher talk. I would get over the feeling of love for school by tomorrow but for now, I was extremely happy. I had a couple classes in the morning so that left me with about two hours until I had to start my first day at work.

          I sat lazily on my bed in my dorm. I realized that Rudy must have been paying a fortune for all of this. I didn’t like the idea of how much money he was carelessly spending. I honestly didn’t mind having a normal dorm like everyone else. Once I started really getting money from my job, I think I’m going to trade this big thing in for a normal dorm…that I will pay for. Just to feel a little more independent. I stayed sitting on the bed for a while then decided to get up and finish up my first homework assignment. I had a report due by tomorrow and I did not want to be that procrastinating student that did all her work at like 2 in the morning.

          I was almost finished with my report when I realized that it was already 3:45. My first shift started at 4 so I hurriedly ran out of my dorm forgetting to lock it. I found the mini mart in less than 15 minutes and was perfectly on time for work. Walking in I was greeted by the guy I had seen previously with the long dark hair. I call him emo kid.

          “Hey. I thought you wouldn’t show.” He said looking up as I walked in.

          “Why would you think that?” I asked him.

          He shrugged before answering. “Every time Ricky seems too eager to give the job and practically throws it at the person. So that usually scares them off and they decide to go to find another job.” Emo guy said carelessly.

          I nodded understanding that it was a little creepy that the manager had given me the job so carelessly but I didn’t mind it. “Speaking of Ricky, where is he…I don’t exactly know what I’m supposed to do.”

          “He has this Monday off. The only day he allows himself to rest. So, I’m going to be showing you how to do things.” Emo guy told me. I nodded and he smiled reassuringly. The piercing in his lip moved along with him, I hated facial piercings on guys but this dude actually didn’t look that bad in it. “Oh, and by the way my name is Jake.”

          “Evelyn.” I said giving him my hand. He looked at me and smiled again before thrusting his hand into mine and shaking it.

          “Alright then lets get to work. Let me first show you how to work the cash register eh?” he said it as a question so I quickly nodded my head.

          I thought that working was going to be agonizing and horrible hours of painful labor. Instead it was actually quite fun. Don’t get me wrong, there were some times where it was plain working and getting the job done. But, Jake was actually pretty funny and he knew how to help pass the time quicker. I learned very quickly that working there wasn’t always about working the cash register. That was the easy part of the job. The real work was having to stock and order things. Not to mention mark costs on the items and make sure their expiration dates are all good and okay to sell. At around eight I helped Jake close up. We mopped the floors, dusted the shelves and wiped down every area of the store. I was done and finished by 9.

          As I took off my name tag I looked at Jake, “Aren’t you going to leave?”

          He stopped wiping up the slurpee machine before looking at me. “My shift ends at 9:30. So I still have some time to go.” He told me then returned to finish his task.

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