Always Bring Me Up

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Evelyn’s POV

          Wooh! It’s Tuesday! Right? No wrong. Rudy still hadn’t called me back. I was starting to worry a little bit. What if something happened to him? I tried stopping the bad thoughts from getting to me but it just didn’t work. All I could think was, Rudy not answering equals injury. I didn’t have any classes today so at least I didn’t have to actually get my brain to focus on anything.

          I had finished my report last night while waiting for Rudy, but he never called back. When I couldn’t wait anymore I fell asleep around 3 in the morning. And now here I am awake at 7 am. I dragged myself out of bed and took my daily shower. The water felt nice against my skin. As if washing away the worry, even if it was just for a second.

          I got out and filled myself a bowl of cereal, but no matter how many times I tried raising that spoon to my mouth and eating, I just couldn’t do it. Nothing in me would swallow or chew so I just discarded the cereal and cleaned my plate, not wanting to leave any mess in the kitchen. Today my shift began at 10, I still had a couple hours to spare before getting to go see Jake. Honestly I think that he is the only thing I am looking forward to today, he might even be able to clear my mind a little.

          Moping around the house wasn’t really doing me any good so; I grabbed my phone, fully charged, keys and money and walked out. I ran back to my dorm shortly after though. I had forgotten that I had to change into my uniform shirt for work. And I still had to find my name tag. By the time I had done that I looked at my phone to find that it was still barely 9 o’clock. At least I only had one hour left.

          I walked around the college campus. I saw a couple familiar faces that I had seen from the classes I had on Monday. They smiled past me politely and went on with their lives. College was so much different then high school. Everyone kept to themselves and was nice…or maybe that was just because it’s like my second day. I thought for a while and reached a conclusion, it had to be because it was only my second day.

          After I had wasted about 45 minutes walking around, at least I got my exercise, I headed towards the mini mart. Once inside I was greeted by a smiling Ricky behind the counter.

          “Hi.” I said trying to smile.

          “You came! Hey! How was your first day!?” Ricky said with a shocked expression on his face.

          I smiled and walked over to the counter leaning on it while I put my hair up getting ready to work, “It was great. Jake really showed me how to do a lot of things. Speaking of him, where is he?” I asked looking around the store trying to catch him somewhere.

          “That Jake, I gave him a day off. He started taking some morning classes on Tuesdays this new semester, so I just gave him a break from overall work on Tuesdays at all.” Ricky replied to me.

          “Oh.” I tried to hide my disappointment, but I think he caught on.

          “I’m sure he will be here on Thursday, that’s your next working day right?” Ricky said he seemed to be giving it a lot of thought.

          “Yes,” I almost burst out laughing at the expression he had on his face. “So what’s new for today?” He pointed to the cash register telling me to take over and then was off back into the office. I sighed and went behind the register. Now I wasn’t even going to get to see Jake.

          The hours went by pretty slowly. I ran the register for a while. But soon enough Ricky came back out and took over my spot. He gave me the new supplies that needed to be restocked and left me to do my job. I grabbed the things and put them all into their place, making sure the prices were up to date. Then I went through all the expiration dates on the items and pulled out the ones that had only one day left before going bad. There weren’t a lot of people there. In fact only a couple students came in. One of them asked me where something was and I helped them find their way. Other than that I didn’t speak to them and they didn’t speak to me.

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