The End? Or Just The Beggining?

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Rudy’s POV

          I left her small dorm after the kiss. She was still in shock so she didn’t say anything. But today is November 17th and now, I have to go back. I already set up with the court and everything. I just have to go pick her up. Here goes nothing.

Evelyn’s POV

          No! I can’t believe this. He kissed me, I kissed him and now it’s going to be over. I didn’t call him after it. Nor did I answer him when he was about to leave. I just couldn’t bring myself to say anything. You think I want this to be over? No! I kissed him back for a reason. He could be so confusing. Now I am waiting. I wonder if he will even show up. I paced back and forth in the small dorm until I heard a light knock on the door. My heart started racing. This was it behind this door was Rudy. Who would however thought that I would be getting a divorce. When I pictured my future though, I had never thought I would be forced into a marriage at the age 16. Wow, I am 18 now…it was about a year and a half.

          I walked to the door and opened it slowly. Getting ready for the last time I was going to see Rudy. Instead of seeing Rudy though I saw Jake smiling as always. I rolled my eyes at my stupidity and welcomed Jake in.

          “Hmp! Somebody’s grumpy today.” Jake said walking through the door. I walked past him and collapsed on my bed groaning. “Oh cheer up Evelyn. It’s your birthday. Happy Birthday!” he smiled and pulled out a small box.

          I sat up and looked at Jake as if he was crazy. Happy, what’s so happy about it. I looked down to where he was handing me the small box and I couldn’t help but smile. At least he got me something to go through the day with. Opening the box I found a gold charm in it. It was in the shape of a doctors coat because when we talked about what we wanted to do after college I said doctor without giving it a second thought. I hugged Jake so hard and went back to admiring the piece.

          “Now you can add it to your lovely charm bracelet that you never take off.” Jake said smiling. He didn’t know who had bought me the charm bracelet. It never came up and I never told him. I looked at my wrist sadly but quickly slipped the charm onto it. I know had two charms in my collection. I wished that I could continue getting more, but not with Jake; with Rudy.

          “Now where is your knight and shining armor? Why is he taking so long?” Jake asked me. Umm….why was he happy. Rudy wasn’t coming to take me out on a date or anything we were going to go get a divorce!

          “Jake, you do understand the concept of divorce, don’t you?” I asked him bluntly.

          He laughed before answering, “I’m not an idiot Evelyn.” He pointed out. I nodded but didn’t really take in what he was saying. My mind was somewhere else right now.

          “Don’t worry about it too much. I promise you it will be the best birthday present you ever got!” Jake said excited.

          “Jake, you do know that I have feelings for Rudy…right?” I asked making sure me and him were on the same page.

          “Yep! I know.” Jake smiled widely.

          “Then why are you so ha….” My sentence was interrupted by a knock on my door. Jake jumped up beaming down at me.

          “Have fun kiddo.” He said kissing my forehead lightly and running to the door. He opened it to Rudy of coarse who else. I walked to where the two were both smiling as the greeted each other. Jake excused himself and winked at Rudy who only raised his eye brow in response.

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