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Evelyn’s POV

          Rudy was so sweet. He took me to the art room and forced me to paint. Even though it sounded like a bad thing, it was a fantastic thing. Today I was feeling better. I didn’t cry anymore. The camping trip happened over a week ago, and I think I had recovered. I knew that Rudy wanted to know what happened. He had asked me a couple times again, but had never forced me to tell him. That’s just the kind of guy he is though!

This morning, Rudy and I were on the couch in the living room with a book in each of our hands. I was lying down on one side with him on the other, so our legs crossed but were each set were put to the side so the other wouldn’t be uncomfortable. The house phone rings and we left it knowing that a maid will pick it up and if it was important she would give it to us. The ringing and after a couple seconds a maid scurried into the room with the phone.

“Rudy, it is Nathaniel’s parents this is very urgent.” Rudy and I sat up abruptly. I could see the worried expression spread on his face as he took the phone from the maid. He grabbed it and walked into the kitchen leaving me in the living room by myself.

When he returned his face was white as he rushed to grab his car keys and coat.

“Where are you going.” I ran up to him while he hurriedly slipped on his shoes.

“Nathaniel, he won’t answer any of his parent’s phone calls. They said he hasn’t come home from the camping trip yet. I need to go see if he is still out there and if he is okay.”

“So you’re leaving me?!”

Meeting my eyes he gave me a ‘are you kidding me’ expression.

“Evelyn just grab your shoes and lets’ go. He’s my friend and we need to find him.”

“I guess I will just stay here.” I replied feeling nauseous at how worried Rudy is about a guy that didn’t deserve it.

“I don’t understand why you would stay here when our friend might have died!” he grabbed my shoes and shoved them towards me. “Are you coming or not?”

“I don’t know if I want to go find this “friend”. Honestly he is not even worth it Rudy.”

I could sense the anger in his face as he tried to control it and not yell, but he didn’t succeed. “What are you talking about? Listen here Evelyn you can say a lot of things about me, but one thing you can’t do is insult my best friend.”

He tried slamming the door behind him but I slipped on my shoes and ran after him. “You are not going to be mad at me for voicing my opinion. I don’t trust him and neither should you!” I screamed at him as we reached the car.

“Give me one good reason.” His voice had calmed down now but I could still see the anger in his eyes.

I stayed silent. “That’s what I thought.” he said as he opened the door and tried getting in the car.

“Best friends don’t kiss their friends wife.” I yelled before he closed the door.

Once I said that he froze in place. The anger in his eyes turned to confusion and then frustration. He didn’t get out of the car though. Instead he looked at me and took a deep breath.

“Get in the car.”


“Evelyn, you owe me an explanation.” I got into the passenger seat in the front and he took off.

“So, what I said wasn’t a good enough reason?” I asked. Obviously he didn’t mind what Nathaniel did because here he goes looking for him. He stayed silent keeping his eyes on the road.“Rudy you can’t give me the silent treatment! I am only trying to protect you from where you’re going.” There was still no response. I crossed my arms over my chest and slouched in my seat.

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