The Plan Unravels

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Rudy’s POV

          I couldn’t believe that Evelyn would do that to me. It made no sense. She said she loves me, but she doesn’t know if she wants to be with me or not. This was absolutely sickening. My week was already up and I had to be back in Paris for my trial thing for the stupid University. I woke up the next day feeling as bad as I had felt since the incident. Am I even going to see another happy day? I don’t think so, without Evelyn I don’t know how I’m supposed to keep living.         

          I got up and showered. I had a meeting today with the whole trail thing people. It was better than mopping around all day, but I still didn’t feel like going. I took a cab there and was soon in front of the familiar building. Walking in I was greeted by the same girl I had met last time. She wasn’t giving out name tags anymore this time she was only leading us into a room.

          “Hey! It’s little Rudy from UCLA, or youngest participant.” Judy smiled when she came up to me.

          “Um…how did you know that I was the youngest?” I asked her trying to remember if I had given her my age.

          “The guy running this whole thing pointed you out in yesterdays meeting of coarse.” Judy answered making me feel a little uneasy that I couldn’t blend in like normal with the other college students here.

          “It’s not that big of an age difference.” I told her shrugging it off trying not to show her the un easiness in my face. Judy smiled before replying.

          “You’re underage kid. But we will get around all those rules. We usually only take people over 21 so we don’t have any problems when it comes to these underage things, and you are our first 17 year old, in fact you are our first person here that’s under the age of 21.” I nodded at her and she smiled before leading me into the next room. I thought to myself at what she said and turned around before she left.

          “Excuse me, umm Judy.” I began.

          “Is there anything that you need?” she asked me turning around.

          “You said that I was the only underage person here…” I said drifting off.

          “That’s right. Everyone else is 21 or older.” She restated what she had said before.

          “I think you may have over looked someone. Evelyn…umm I don’t know her last name. But she’s 18.” I told Judy. She looked at me confused and then pulled out one of her sheets on her clipboard and looked it over.

          “Umm, we don’t have anyone here with the name Evelyn.” Judy said looking through her papers a bit more.

          “That’s crazy.” I said trying to get my thoughts straight.

          “Nope, no one with the name Evelyn. I think you may be mistaken honey.” Judy said smiling at me and sorting her papers back.

          “Well thanks anyway.” I said nodding to her. Judy gave me one last smile before disappearing to help out some other students.

          I walked over to where they had a lot of paper work that they wanted each of us to start filling out. I took my clipboard with a pen and sat at the corner of the room where there was a comfortable looking chair waiting for me. I began filling out the paper mindlessly. As much as I tried focusing on the paper I just couldn’t get myself to think. How could she not have Evelyn on the paper, she had come before. She was part of this trial, and she was 18. I didn’t know what to believe anymore. Then I remembered what had happened with Albert and how he had known about Evelyn. So that must be her name. My head started hurting when I thought back to that night. I still hadn’t solved the mystery of how Albert knew about Vee. If that was even her real nickname. There were so many un answered questions in my head I didn’t want to think about it anymore.

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