All Nighter

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Evelyn's POV

Rudy took me to see UCLA last week. It was amazing! I loved the school. He even rented our dorms for us. Which... just crossed my mind....he never showed me his. Oh well, I am sure that it was the exact same thing as mine. I was in the art room today, playing around with some paint and making random dots and lines with a lot of different colors.

Rudy eventually found me (I figured he would at some point) and sat behind me wrapping his arms around my waist. Every time he was near my heart would flutter, this guy was so hard to be with!

"What are you doing?" he whispered in my ear sending shivers down my spine.

"What does it look like I'm doing?" I snapped at him. I really like him, but I didn't know if I could let him feel completely safe with that feeling.

"Obviously painting, but I still like to ask you." He said smirking. I turned my head back to my painting and tried to keep doing what I was doing before he came, but him being around made it so hard to concentrate.

"Don't think about it too much." He said after I had held the brush in my hand for over ten minutes. I frowned at him and sighed.

"I wouldn't be over thinking it if you weren't in my personal bubble." I snapped at him.

He laughed and leaned in closer to me. Holding my hand (with the brush in it) he dipped the brush in the red paint and starts painting in the top right corner of the paper. His chest was on top on my back and my fist wrapped in his hand. It was a little too close for comfort, but I liked it at the same time. When he was done he let go of my hand and I was disappointed because I liked the feeling. I looked back to the small painting he did and noticed how nice it was. The flower had really precise details and well done strokes. I didn't know that he could actually do that!

"That's a really nice rose." I complimented.

"It's whatever." He answered. This was the first time I didn't hear the enthusiasm in his voice after he had finished something.

"It's not whatever. You could be an artist Mr." I turned to face him because he had backed away from me now and so it wasn't worth not changing the direction I was sitting in anymore.

He made a weird face and shook his head. "You don't have to spare my feelings Evelyn. I know when I am not good at something and this is one of the small flaws you will ever see in me." His smiled took over his face again and I found the Rudy I knew back.

"My goodness." I rolled my eyes and turned back to the painting. I didn't exactly know what I wanted to keep doing with my mess. I looked behind me to Rudy who has his eyes fixated on the painting. It looked like he was really thinking about something. I could tell that he had an idea I just wasn't sure if he was going to do it.

I shoved the paint brush in his hand. He looked at me confused and I stood up from the stool, allowing him to sit. He took his place on the stool and I was about to stand behind him but he grabbed my wrist to stop me. Before I could question what he was doing he pulls me towards him and I collapsed onto his lap. He took his arm and wrapped it around my waist and pulled me up closer so I was more comfortable. I tried moving my head out of his way but he seemed to be doing fine. With the brush in his hand he washed and dried it quickly with the water in front of

him. Dipping the brush in green he began to paint. I watched as he painted so softly and lightly. The brush seemed to move perfectly where he wanted it to without any small parts sticking out like it always did with me.

When he was done he put the brush down and I took a good look at the painting. It was a very weird combination of a kids painting style (me) and an artist (him) put together. He had drawn the rose's vines coming down all the way across to the left corner of the page. It was covering the whole paper with my scattered lines and dots everywhere.

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