Party Animals Can Be Dangerous

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One week later

Rudy’s POV

        Okay I get that she’s a girl. I get that she doesn’t like the idea of an arranged marriage and that we were a little too young to be put in this position. What I don’t get is why she won’t just put all of that behind her and at least try. She is rejecting me without even giving me a chance.

        I am just happy that our cook has finally arrived because I am so tired of trying and failing at cooking. She wouldn’t even help me with that. I could have easily poisoned her and she would have eaten it without a care.

        I was in the living room lying on the couch when I saw her walking towards the door.

        “Where are you going?” I got up and followed her.

        “Now you’re going to start questioning where I am going. You’re not the boss of me.” Slamming the door behind her she left. Oh hell no, she did not just do that. I got up quickly slipped on my converse and ran out the door grabbing my car keys on the way out. She abruptly turned around and we were face to face. I almost ran her over because I was running so fast to catch up.

        “What exactly do you think you’re doing?” her eyes met mine. They were angry little things.

        “Calm down, I want to know where you’re going. Maybe we can head out for a drive or something. I got my keys.” Dangling the keys in front of her I smiled. I realized that she obviously couldn’t go far because one she couldn’t drive and two she didn’t have a car.

        “What makes you think I want to go on a car ride with you?” With that she took off walking again. As I try to keep up with her I feel me phone vibrating in my pocket.

        “Hello.” It was my brother.

        “Hey bro, how are you and your lovely wife?” Ha lovely wife I laugh silently at this.

        “We’re fine, why are you calling.”

        “Just wanted to call and invite you guys over for breakfast next week. What do you say?” what do I say, more like would Evelyn agree to go with me.

        “Sure we will be there.”

        “See you then.” Click.

        Oh great. My brother was going to have me over. Why did he have to have such a perfect family of two kids and loving wife? I wondered what he was going to say when he saw how Evelyn treated me. It’s not like I chose her or anything. Girls were after me like ants after a piece of sugar. I thought back to my dad again, out of all the girls he really had to choose her!

        I looked around to try and find Evelyn. She was already all the way on the other side of the garden. I ran to catch up with her.

        “Stop running away from me!” I was trying to catch my breath.

        “I am not running away from you.” She replied stunned, “I am walking away from you. Besides why do you think everything is about you! Can’t a girl just get out here and get some fresh air.”

        I thought about this for a moment. That’s true. She hadn’t tried making any attempts to leave this place completely. She always found her way back home in time for dinner. It seemed like she was my little sister rather than my wife.

        Turning away from me she walked to a green area and lay with her back down onto the grass. Looking up at the clouds I guess. It was a foggy afternoon. Pretty chilly out here. The blue sky was interrupted with many white blobs. If she wanted some fresh air, then fine! I guess I want some too. I lay down right by her and waited for her reaction. No movement, no screaming or even sound – this was definitely a good sign. After a couple of minutes of silence she sighs.

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