The Art Room

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Rudy’s POV

          I sat there with Evelyn in my arms. I wondered what happened. Was I asleep for that long? Her crying subsided after she kissed me. I didn’t understand what the kiss was for exactly. Yesterday I had kissed her due to jealousy, but what was she kissing me for? I heard rustling in the bushes and we both jumped up. I kept Evelyn behind me as I tried to figure out what it was. My answer was easily answered when I saw Nathaniel.

          “Morning.” He is my best friend. He probably just wants me and Evelyn to be happy. I shouldn’t let my hallucinations get in the way of our friendship.

          He nodded to me keeping his head down and didn’t say a word. Walking to his tent he closed it behind him and world was brought back to silence. I turned around to find Evelyn doing the same thing. She kept her head to the floor and walked into the tent. Not closing it behind her was the only difference I saw.

          I followed her into the tent and found her sitting in my messy sleeping bag.

          “Are you going to tell me why you were crying?” I sat by her waiting for her response.

          She stayed silent but I still really wanted to know, “So you’re just going to cry into my arms but not tell me why? I am not sure that’s a fair trade.”

          She gave me a fake smile, “I thought the trade for you was having me on your arms in the first place.”

          I smiled sincerely at her and realized that she really didn’t want to talk about it. “What are we going to do today? A walk, flower hunting or maybe we could…” I was cut off by her response.

          “Go home.”

          “You want to go home?” Just yesterday she was a little too excited for this trip. One night was enough for her?

          “Yes, I am tired and I want to shower.” She got up and starts putting away our things into the bags. I stayed sitting on the sleeping bag wondering what could have gotten her so upset.

          I walked out of our tent and headed over to Nathaniel’s.

          “Can I come in?” I hollered from the outside. There was no answer but he unzipped the tent allowing me to enter. I walked in to find a complete tornado in his tent.

          “I don’t remember you being this messy.” I leaned against one of the poles keeping the tent up and looked at Nathaniel.

          “I was looking for something.” I nodded knowing that he was trying to cover up for being a slob when camping.

          “Well Evelyn wants to go home, do you have any idea what made her so upset?”

          Nathaniel’s face drained from all color. He looked as if he was going to be sick.

          “Are you okay dude?”

          “Ya.” He managed to answer.

          “So, we’re heading back. You can stay if you like though. I know the way back.” I turned to get out of the tent because he looked like he wanted to vomit and I was not going to be here to watch that.

          “Rudy,” he said before I left.

          “What up?”

          “I’m sorry.” I was already outside of the tent when he said that. He zipped it back up and I could hear something slam into the ground and break. I do remember that he had his anger issues, and that when he would get mad or have so many emotions at once – he would break things. No wonder his tent was a mess. But, what was he apologizing for?

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