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Evelyn’s POV

          I can’t do it. I can’t fall for his lies. Are they lies though? I am having trouble trying to convince myself that they are. But I just can’t do it anymore. A girl, he was with someone else. It’s understandable. I get it, but why wouldn’t he answer my calls? If I was really on his mind wouldn’t he have called me? Or does it take a girl to accidently answer his phone for him to have to call me back? It just doesn’t make sense. I wiped my tears and got up. Jake was on the floor asleep by the couch. After my phone call last night I cried for so long, and all I could remember was his molding me in his arms and saying it was going to be alright. I don’t remember when I fell asleep, but I woke up and found myself sleeping on the couch with him on the floor under the couch.

          He was too good of a friend. I needed to stop crying though before he woke up, I would tell him about the call of course. Because we are just close like that, I know it’s weird. I get it’s like we’ve known each other for ever. Who would have thought that I would become best friends with an emo that has magnificent blue eyes? I smiled to myself thinking of his gorgeous eyes and then got up and head to the shower.

I came out but I didn’t see Jake anywhere. I looked around my whole dorm and he was nowhere to be found. That was a bit odd. Oh well, I went into the kitchen to start up a cup of coffee for myself. Hello breakfast, I would need it so I could continue the day.

I fell to the couch, but as soon as my I felt relaxed the door bell rang. Reluctantly I got up and to my surprise I found Jake at the door.

I couldn’t help the big smile that came across my face, “Come in Jake.” I told him. He smiled to me and walked through. He had a bag in his hand and he placed it on my table.

“Breakfast.” He smiled at me.

“How sweet of you!” I told him. I opened the bag and found continents from I-hop inside. “Your too nice.” I smiled at him. He smirked as I sat back down next to him. 

“Don’t you have classes today?” he asked me grabbing the tray of pancakes and a fork and handing it to me. I took the food from him and nodded.

“Yep, three.” I sighed and looked at the clock. “The first one starts in an hour.”

          “Okay then, eat up Evelyn. So I can take you to your first class.”

“Don’t you have to work today?” I told him pointing at the clock.

“I don’t start my shift until about two hours. I can walk you to your first class. When does your second one start?” he shrugged.

“Around three.” I said taking my first bite out of the mouth watering pancakes.

“Cool.” Jake grabbed the orange juice he bought and opened it up, “Drink this to, you need your vitamin C.” I took the juice and had a small sip. Why was he being so nice to me?

“Jake, this is all too much. How will I ever…” I was in the middle of my sentence when Jake put one finger on my mouth.

“You being my friend, is better than anything else in the world, alright.” He said looking at me with very closely with his eyes. I nodded sheepishly and he took his finger off my mouth, “Now hurry up slow poke, we don’t want you to be late for your first class now do we?” He smiled and I nodded again and took another bite of my pancakes. After I was forced to take a couple more bites and finish drinking my orange juice completely Jake ushered me out of the door and took me to my first class. We walked in silence for a while, then I couldn’t hold back and I told him all about that conversation I had with Rudy. When I finished telling him I felt a weight being lifted off my shoulders.

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