Cop and Theif

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It took him two weeks to find a costume. Just on time too, it was Halloween day and I really thought he had officially given up on looking. He walked into the library that afternoon and knelt down to my level.

          “I got the costumes.”

          “So what are they?” I really was interested in what he could come up with.

          “Well, it took a while to think of this. At first I wanted to do Romeo and Juliet, but I thought that was a more of sad relationship junk costume. Then I thought of something like a devil and an angel, but I was pretty sure that you would be insulted if I gave you a devil costume. Then I thought of a…” I cut him off before he could continue.

          “Oh just say it already! What did you get us?” I put my bookmark in my book and placed it on the floor, trying to grab the costumes from his hands.

          “You have to promise to wear it though, because I worked really hard on getting this.”

          I knew I was going to eventually regret this, but I promised him anyway and he agreed to show me the costumes.

          “Haha, that’s hilarious. I didn’t know you had a sense of humor.” I threw the costume back at him and returned to my book.

          “Get up and try it on.” He pulled away the book in my hand and set it down. Standing me up, he thrust the costume into my arms and pushed me to the restroom. Closing the door after me he left me to change. My costume was a cop. It was a dark blue shirt with buttons all the way down. The top was a bit to showy so I put on a white tank top underneath to cover up. For the bottoms it was a navy blue skirt that I tucked my shirt into. It came halfway between my knees and waist. It had ruffles at the bottom and it moved when I walked. I could sit down in it comfortably though and that was all that mattered. On the costume was a sewn on belt around my skirt that held a whole bunch of weird gadgets sticking out.

          I walked out of the bathroom when I was done and looked at Rudy. He whistled then grabs my hand and twirled me around.

          “You look amazing.”

          “I think it’s a bit too short.” I looked at him raising my eyebrows because I was pretty sure he knew how short it was going to be before he bought it.

          “Oh darn, sorry I lost the receipt.” I smiled and I got a good look at him. I hadn’t realized but he had worn his costume too. It was a prisoner, so he had a black and white long sleeve shirt with black and white pants to match. He grabbed the police hat and placed it on my head.

          “There now were ready!” I looked in the mirror and laughed.

          “Oh I forgot! Look at what my friend got me.” He left the room and returned with real handcuffs.

          “How exactly did your friend get those?”

          “He’s a cop and I told him about our costume and so he decided to spare me one.”

          He grabbed my writs before I could say no and put one of the cuffs on it. Then taking the other half he cuffed himself.

          “There now that definitely ties up the costume.” He laughed and I couldn’t help but join him.

          “Okay, now get me out of this.” He reached into his back pockets and pulled out an empty hand.

          “Wow! Where’s the key?”

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