Black Rose

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Rudy’s POV

        I got home and I felt sick. I was throwing up all the way back from the party so, I kept a tub next to me just in case I needed to hurl some more. What a night, I honestly don’t remember much of it. It’s all a blur. Except for the part where I saw Evelyn. Wow she was gorgeous! I wonder if I danced with her. I think back to the night, there were a group of girls. They gave me a drink. Then I took another…I shake my head. Maybe I shouldn’t try to remember.

        I looked around the room….wow I was alone! Where was Evelyn? Well she was a big girl now; I thought she knows her way around here. I should take a nap that will help.

***2 hours later***

        I woke up and I felt back to normal, except for the fact that I realize that I slept on the couch. It was such a habit for me; I think I forgot what a bed felt like. My stomach was finally settled in, I open my mouth to yawn and a horrid stench came out. Ugh, what a horrible smell! I got up and head to the bathroom. Showering and brushing my teeth a million times I finally succeed and reach my minty breathe stage! I sprayed my cologne and fixed my hair. Now, to find Evelyn.

        The first place I looked was automatically the garden. It was her favorite place after all. With no success I went upstairs and looked in the rooms, one by one. The last place I looked was the bedroom. I quietly walked up the stairs and listened to the door. I could hear her laughing and giggling….but with whom? I shoved the door open and saw her sitting there on the bed, criss cross apple sauce position, with the phone to her ear. Once she looked up and saw me her expression changed.

        “I will call you later, I have to go for now.” She said into the phone.

        After she hung up I gave her a questioning look, “Who was that?” I ask a little angrier then I should of.

        “It’s none of your business.”

        “Yes it is, stop telling me that it isn’t because truly I am your husband and that was a strange phone call that you ended when I walked in. Who were you talking to?”

        “I don’t have to answer that if I don’t want to!”

        She got up to leave. When she tried exiting the room I grabbed her arm and dragged her back in front of me blocking the door.

        “What’s going on here? You need to realize that I don’t like playing these stupid games anymore with you. Yesterday you seemed fine, getting dressed, going out with me, and let’s not forget holding my hand. Now, you’re throwing it all away?”

        “It seemed like you forgot all about that way before I did.” She tried to go past me but I quickly moved to the side and tried to meet her eyes.

        “What are you talking about?”

        “Yesterday you jerk! Don’t you remember! I guess not because you were way too drunk and busy grinding on all those girls. Now let me out.” She pushed me away and ran down the stairs. I can tell she was crying now. Girls? Oh no. I guess I have to remember what happened now. I grabbed my cell phone from my pocket and dialed Nathaniel’s number.

        “Hey what up?” of course he was all cheery; he never drank at his own parties!

        “What happened yesterday? Like what did I do, my memory doesn’t seem to be working.”

        I can hear him laugh through the phone. “Your memory eh, or maybe all the beer has been messing with your head.”

        “Just help me out! Evelyn’s crying!”

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