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Chapter 20

Evelyn’s POV

          “Hey Evelyn!” Albert smiled when he realized that it was me.

          “Hey Albert.” I said uneasily smiling back.

          “What are you doing here?” he asked me.

          “I go to this school now.” I told him.

          “No way! That’s amazing! Do you live here?” He asked a little too excited for my liking.

          “Yes, I do.”

          “Where’s Rudy?” Albert asked looking around me.

          “In Paris.” I said laughing at the expression he gave me when I answered him.

          “Okay then…let me give you a tour around here.” Albert led the way before I could say no.

          He took me around all the dorms and showed me how to get to certain numbers. Then he showed me the school’s field for sports. He later took me to the library and then lastly the food court. I stayed close to him making sure not to get lost.

          “Lets’ grab something to eat.” He told me showing me the way to the line for Burger King.

          “Thanks, but I got to get going. I’m going to go call Rudy. He told me he would call around this time and I left my cell in my dorm. Maybe another day…” I smiled at Albert and slowly tried backing away, but he followed.

          “Do you need me to help you find your way back?” he asked. I guessed it was a very sweet gesture, and I did need help getting back, but I refused.

          “No, I know my way around now. Your amazing tour helped of course.” I have him a reassuring smile and turned my back. What started off as walking turned to running as I bolted out the door.

          The fresh air felt nice as I walked around trying to find my way back to the dorm. It took me about an hour, but I finally got there and just in time to, because I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket right when I got home, that’s right…it was in my pocket the whole time. I pulled it out and answered it quickly.

          “Hey Rudy!” I answered without looking at the caller ID.

          “Ummm…it’s Mia.” I heard a familiar voice say.

          “Hey Mia, I am so sorry. I was just expecting a call from Rudy.” I told her.

          “Oh, he left already?” she asked me.

          “Yep. He should be arriving in Chicago any minute right now.” I told her. I didn’t exactly even know what time it was, but I was sure that it was at least  a little past 3.

          “Alrighty then, I will make this quick so you can go await your cuties call. Come over tonight!”

          “Um… to where exactly?” I asked her.

“A movie! With me and Nate!” Mia told me as if it was the most obvious answer in the world.   

          “Who the hell is Nate!?” I asked her.

          “Nathaniel…wow you are so slow!” Mia laughed at me.

          “Wow!” I laughed into the phone and tried regaining my balance, “Umm no thanks hun. I don’t feel like being the third wheel! Besides, I’m all the way in LA!” I really didn’t want to go out at all to be honest. Hello, Rudy was out in a plane eating gross airport food while I would be hanging out and having fun with my friends!

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