It Is Your Fault

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Rudy’s POV

          I never knew that making really good spaghetti could be so easy. Vee took me through the steps and we had a really nice simple yet delicious dinner. I told her that I had to go, that I think I could find my keys on my own but she just ignored me and knew that I was lying. Offering her bed, she said she wouldn’t mind sleeping next to me. I rejected the offer completely. I could never sleep with her on the same bed that just isn’t right. She smiled knowingly at me and offered me a blanket and pillow. I gladly took them and fell asleep on the couch.

I woke up around 8am that morning. The first thought I had was Evelyn. I shook it away though because she was probably really busy and besides, it was around 11pm over there. My little Evelyn is probably asleep right now. I stacked the blankets and pillow onto the couch neatly and left a quick note thanking Vee and then left the house soundlessly ready to get back to mine.

I was so ecstatic when the manager gave me my keys. I rushed back home to open my door. Finding my keys on the edge of the coffee table I shook my head. I could be so forgetful sometimes. I returned the spare key to the manager, thanking him and went back home. After breakfast and flipping through some channels I grew really bored. I missed having Evelyn around to laugh with and tease. It was too late over there though. Like around 2 in the morning there was no way that she would be awake right now. Besides, I can’t be selfish and expect her to wake up for me just so I could hear her beautiful voice and heartwarming laugh.

I looked around the room at how lonely I was and sighed. Whatever maybe I could play some games on my phone, that would help me forget a little until I know for sure that she’s awake so I could call her. Digging my hands into my pocket I realized that I didn’t have my phone. I searched the kitchen and living room, no traces could be found of that thing. Then I realized, I probably left it at Vee’s house. Taking a shower quickly I got dressed and headed out the door, not locking it so I wouldn’t have to take the keys with me.

I rang Vee’s doorbell and she answered in less than second.

“Hey there.” She smiled at me moving away so I could go into the house. I smiled back but stayed at the door step.

“I think I left my phone here, have you happened to see it?” I asked her. She gave me a little frown before abandoning me at the door for a second and returning with my phone.

“Safe and sound at my house.” She said to me.

“Thanks Vee. I don’t know how much to thank you for all you’re help.” I told her sincerely.

“Anytime.” Vee smiled, “Tell me when you want to have another sleep over.” She said the last words and shut the door before I could answer. Umm…another sleep over. This girl was officially insane.

I took my phone back to my apartment and plopped on the couch. After mindlessly playing a couple games I remembered that I had three missed calls yesterday. Wondering who they could be from I exited my games and went through my missed calls. They were from Evelyn! Oh wow! How could I miss a chance to talk to her. I mentally kicked myself. How stupid could I be.              

          My fingers accidently clicked on the calls answered button. I didn’t want to go there but it was too late. And what I saw left me shocked for a while. Evelyn had called me two hours ago and I had answered. That doesn’t make sense though, I didn’t have my phone how could I answer. Then it clicked, Vee had so easily found my phone she must have answered it. I wonder what she told Evelyn. The call only lasted about 2 minutes, but that’s two minutes too long for Vee and Evelyn to not have said much. Why wouldn’t Vee tell me that she answered my phone? Most importantly why wouldn’t she tell me that she answered Evelyn?!

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